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Jennie pov

Lisa was backstage cause the staff called her again

"Unnie , why they keep calling her without us?" I asked in annoyed tone

"Relax jen, what if they need to say something important to her" she said that didn't make thung okey, if it is important they should tell us

"It's just wierd"i answer, as my eye landed on jungkook , he stood up and pass by us, i can see he's holding chocolate milk ,

I ignore it and watch ,tge perpormance of iz*one i was amaze in them , they ae young, some of them but they are really good

Thier vocals is amazing and they are all rounder , but there's one catch my eye , i think it's wong young cause of her height she is so tall

"Ohh unnie lali is back" rose called me i look where and there u saw her, she sit next to me

But i was shock when she put an milk choco in table, i look at her she is smiling

"Where did you get it, i tought that's was not aloowed here" i said she look at me

"Somone gave it me" she answer and there comes jungkook without the fvcking choco in his hand , i look at lisa she was eying him towards his sit

Calm jennie, and thunk get a revange, tomorrow will have some activities to do and i guess that will be the perfect timing , just wait lalisa making jennie kim jealous is not a joke

Rose pov

Were all now in stage all of the idol , bit it seem me and lisa got lost, we can't see our members

"Lali come on we need to find them" i said and she nod, as i saw jennie looking at us , so i look at lisa

But i was shock when i saw someone kiss her is cheek , not just someone it's sunmi , lisa laugh i fake laugh too i grab lisa and put her in opposite side

Jennie came and grab her, put her in her side, hold her waist, and i know there, unnie is jealous shoot

"I guess, lisa is in trouble"i said to jisoo and hold her waist

"I guess too i saw it" i nod and follow them  , i saw how lisa take off jennie hand, and unnie look at her pissed

She loos at me, i shake my head, and she nod i sigh we already in back stage, i saw lisa put a choco on her bag

"Trow that choco" i flinch in that voice it was jennie, lisa look at her

"Why would i," aishh lisayahh

"Trow them or i will not talk to you" jennie said lisa just look at her

"Wait here" lisa said and she look at the people walking around , as twice pass us

"Mina-ri here, for you" lisa said and give the choco and left us

"Aishh that kid" jisoo said and follow lisa

"Ahh i guess we need to go see you again"i said and follow them i saw jennje talk to them

"You realky have an attitude hah" i heard jisoo said so i hit her in head

"Aishh you should teach her what is right now that way"i said and hop in the van as she sit next to me

"Were having a activity tomorrow so be ready" jennie sudden said and sit next to window, but lisa moved next to car door, and it was separate in jennie sit

I look at jennie, she look she doesn't care at all, aishh are they having another fight, im really tired of them , they fight over nothing

"Lisayahh"i call her in sweet voice i got jennie attention

"Did jk gave the choco to you?"i ask her , i saw jennie widen her eye

"How did you know it?" She ask i smirk

"We get that together ,he ask me what you favorite so i said it,"i said and lean to jisoo

"Thanks chipmunk but it's all reuse"she said and look at door window

"I guess so"i said and close my eye if they having a fight, i making sure i got something to it, cause i can't just let them add us in thier fight

Lisa pov

I woke up in very guilty feeling, so i plan to make it up to her , i walk happily in her room and open it

But she was not there, so i got in kitchen to see her eating with other

"Good morning nini , and unnies" i greet but i didn't get a greet back to jennie , i look at her her eye was blank there nothing saying on it
.i got nervous

"Nini what's wrong, did i make something bad" i ask but she just stood up and walk to her room i follow her, but too late she close her room

I sigh i decide not to eat , so i enter my room and take a shower

I pick some clothes im comfortable , it's  just a jugger pants and some crop top , jennie usally don't like this kind of clothes for me, but igot a lot of it, and i want it today

I wear some earings and the ring that someone gave to me as a present , and a necklace, i leave my room to see a fasion chaeyoung

"Wow our chipmunk is so pretty" i compliment her she smile

"What if we go in one van, there is two van tho, let's go first" im hesitant first but agree at the end, we left the dorm

And were here at our van she was right there two van, we enter the van infrint and close it

"You gonna leave first" he ask we nod and he start the engine , as we in the way i forgot our manager

"Rose did your manager here?"i ask her she nod point the sit infrint and there he is

"I forgot him, maybe he will go with them right" rose nod i nod andnlean on the sit


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