Chapter 57

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Everyone left in blackpink dorm and three of them still can't believe what they just saw and a lot of question in jennie head "are they dating?" "Did lisa broke up with me just for her" thunking that jennie remeber what they saw in office

"She flirting with yg and now with staff" jennie said two look at her confuse , why would she said that

"Jennie what if they just fight because if the hoddie" rosé trying to calm jennie down but seem like jennie is really angry

"Why she is a slut i wonder she enter the group easyly because of that" jennie said with her smirk jennie can't think twice and never know what she talking about

"Jennie stop that , it's not because we saw lisa making out, not mean we will disgust her cause she still our member" jisoo said but insted of listen jennie defend her self

"I never know that the girl i use to love is such a whore" jennie said and walk towards her room before she enter her room she look first at the maknae door that close

Jennie rolled her eyes and enter her room

The two sigh they can't even believe what they saw but they never jugde lisa , but they can't never deny they feel a little disgust but not enough for them to dislike her


The morning start they shoot for a new song that they will release they are so excited but not for one member onlu know that yg will be there

They arrive at the first place that the intro will came they can see a car beside it and a tall roll or what ever it calls

It was so cool and make them even more excited four of them walk towards yg and one of them is really uncomfortable

"Ohh lisa what's wrong" jennie ask in sarcastic tone and lisaa lool at her

"Ahh nothing" lisa answer and look away knowing that there one people looking at her yg explain the mecanics first and the scene and they got it very easy

"Again Lisa more hips wave" lisa got uncomfortable in yg said he is doing all the things just to make lisa sexy in his eyes

"Perfect thank you we will go in next place" yg said four of them nod and lisa go with one of the backup dancer she use to go because she is a dancer so they get along so well

"You did great job, but you can just slight wave you hips in beggining cause it will not be on beat if you did that" lisa nod she only do what the boss said and she is being scoled

"Yeah yg said so" lisa answer and enter the dressing room she pick some comfortable clothes but little did she know her other member set a plan

"Yg we can't see lisa can you please call her?" Jennie said in her baby voice yg sigh and grab his phone jennie leave and saw her members listening on the dreasing room and hear a phone ring

"Yes" lisa answer three keep listen

"Im changing clothes" jennie smirk knowing that she still say it

"Ohh ghodd please stop that bullshit im with my members " ohh why is she cursing rosé ask in her mind

"I really want to die kill me know you can just said it but you can't do it" ohh they got wprried not knowing what happening on the other side

"Yeah i will kill my self rather than to be here" and they hear a loud bang inside and they go far from it back to yg

"She is changing" they nod and sit thinking what they hear they look the the door because it open but different mood is lisa showing

"Ohh are you all ready" yg said lisa just make a fake smile she didn't want to be suspicious

"Yeah were ready"jisoo jist answer cause the two still not in there own mind still on the call they hear

Lisa pov

It was really annoying, he will call you just to make you pissed ohh goshh i hate this world if i can really kill my self i will do because why not

"Yeah tomorrow im going somewhere i need to excericise" i said in annie she is with me im in another van without any members with me i didn't know but these past few week they will not go with me talk to me or niether look at me did i do something bad to them they make me.feel so stupid always infront of them

"Yeah you had a lot of things to do today and you will had your manager too that will go with you everyday " in od i didn't pick i can't pick i want all my standars are on him i don't want that ohh i want this cause he is good looking

Nahh i don't want that but i had ine boy he complete my standars so i guess i will just pick him 

"Lisa you want to there or just nahh" i shake my head since that is there scene three of them they don't need me anymore i can see just in jennie eyes add in rosé amd jisoo

They are disgust with me even me , but i was wondering they did know already because of that i lost my unnies my crackhead duo, my girl, and my bestfriend i didn't want it i just need to do it because if i did not im not here infront of them acting so fvcking fine , acting like nothing is happening

I guess i will be a good actress cause i always did a great job in hiding being silent and act im such a good actress , and i hate it

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