Chapter 49

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Lisa pov

What the hell just happen not now im going back to dorm cause yg said i can't go out now and i need to be with my members twentyfour hours and few days from now is chirstmas three of them going back to thier house im going to alone in this dorm a boring room

Im now on our dorm i walk strainght to my room and lock it

"Ahhh why you need to do that" i shoit and trow some pillow not knowing where it could be possibly land

I heard a broke sound i look and saw my vase broke  i sigh and walk towards it not looking the way, i feel a pain on my feet shit i step on one of piece of glass shit i can see blood runninv out from it i hold it and slowly take off the glass and cover it with some fabric

I grab my cleaner and and wipe the glass and i open my door and put it on the trash outside of my room i close my room again i look around to see a blood everwhere

"Is it really that serious" i said to my self and get some clothes i grab a white one so i decide to use it sice i didn't use it already i wipe my blood and put the cloth on my table and sit on my bed and look ath the wound

It's kimda serious cause it's bleeding too much i feeling dizzy ohh goshh i need somw help

"Jisoo unnie" i shout i think they are not here

"R-rosé unnie help" i stepped on the big glass shit i heard a footstep and a door open

"Unnie help" i said and they all go near to me

"What happen lisa?" Jennie ask i poimted my feet thier eyes widen maybe cause a lot of blood on it

"What happen here lisa" chaeng ask

"I steeped on a big broken glass i didn't saw it " i explain and i saw jisoo unnie to go my bathroom

"Is this shirt is yours" chaeng ask while let me see the white cloth i use

"Yeah" i answer jisoo unnie came out holding an kid on her hand

"Just lay down lisa"jennie said and put her one gand on my forehead and i can feel unnie take off the fabric i use

"Slowly" i said and close my eyes and prevent my self to shout until she finish and wrapped another

"Ohh it's okey now , you can make another" i chuckle and sit

"There is a lot of blood do you still have blood" i laugj in rosé word

"Even im skinny i had a lot of blood " i said and close my eye but im not sleeping and suddenly i feel i want to puke i sit and hold my mouth

"What happen why you holding your mouth" i can't take it anymore i run even tho my feet hurt i run towards my bathroom and immediately trow up

"Lisa are still okey?" Unnie ask i clean it and my mouth too and suddenly i feel dizzy ghodd why is this happening to me

"Wait your trowing up and feel dizzy maybe your pregnant" i laugh at rosé i didn't even see a boy thing and im goung to be pregnant but i stop because i feel it again dizzy

"Ahhh" i hold my head it is really hurt suddenly my sight turn black


Jennie pov

"you can go now i will look at her" i said they nod and leave lisa room i lay beside lisa and fall a sleep


Lisa pov

I woke up because of the heat i feel on my body i stood up to see jennie beside me i walk towards the bathroom and go to bath i open the shower

Hell what is this feeling so hot my body is sp hot arghh

"Lisa~ " Ogg gjod i can't let her see me like this

"Don'- i never finish she enter seeing me half naked it was really hot her eye is widen

"So hot" i said and rub my neck i can only feel heat shitt

"What is so hot" she said in her seductive voice i try to get up but my body doesn't want too

"Get out i can handle this" i said while pointing the door but she step in the bath and hold my chin

"Don't you think that you need me that's why your body is hot" i look away this can't be happen her career will disapear

I push her i get up

"Are you trying to seduce me more, and let me see those red nipples" i cover it and get off in bath and walk towards the bed i sit there but the heat is getting more hot

"Arghhh" i groan i saw jennie came out in bathroom and walk towards me and hold my chin to make lool at her

I swear i blushing too much right now

"Let me vanish the heat" she said and kiss me i feel it more heat she lick my lips but i refuse im on still my mind

I manage to push her i lay down i

"Ahhh" i feel her feet between me arghh no this can't be happening

"Just let me so you won't feel the heat anymore" she whisper on my ears and bite it i only do is to feel her body on me

She slowly go on my lips and this time she bite my lip so i don't have any choice to open my mouth she enter her tounge goshh

Her hand traveling the bathrobe im wearing only panties is on

"Jen~" i moan when she suddenly touch my breast shit i can't take it anymore


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