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Lisa pov

Im now infrint of our dorm feeling so nervous, i enter and didn't get welcome by someone, i look somewhere they are not here

I enter my room and lock it i enter my bathroom and ipen the bath i get in with my clothes

I start to cry again, why why it need to be me, i didn't do something to make me feel this ,

I was good all the time i didn't do something bad, i obey all thing peoplensay to me, i soap my body i almost finish the soap

I feel so dirty, again in my life i feel dirty again , i saw a bruises on my stomach, why not she punch too much i will not suprise if i had this

, I get off the bath took off all my clothes and just trow it, i pick some clothes and wore them

I lay on my bed and cover it with blanket

Jennie pov

Im having a good conversation with one of the member of exo

I just got his number, he was a good talk buddy, and he always make me laugh, i usually get my time practicing on my solo or just texting her

It's been a month since i got the news of releasing my solo, and i didn't much have to do , i enter our dorm to just see rose and jisoo

"You finally back" jisoo said in sarcastic tone i smile at her i really had a good mood

"You seem so much fine, while your girlfriend i suffering , she is so hot, almost fainted" rose said i widen my eye omo i totally forgot about her

I run tiwards her room but it was lock

"Unnie please open it" i begged to jisoo unnie

"No jennie, she want some aline time, she look so scared this past few days, and she had so much bruise , and she was crying everyday, you didn't know that cause you busy of something" jisoo said

"It was my solo" i answer

"Don't give a fvck jennie, your solo is dine it will ready to release "rose said yes she is right i recetly meeting him this fast few weeks

We got really close to each other , and i had this feeling for him that i can't explain , ine thing i know i like him

Lisa pov

Im tired , i had a lot of scedule, i just got okey to my sick, and i never talked to jennie since that day

Cause i never see her, i was here in some resturant i suddenly crave for icecream

I just waiting until someone got my attention, it broke my heart, her smile she was so happy, him feeding her , u smile bitterly

I got my icecream and pay for it and once again look at them and leave

"Now i know, i won't judge you, i hurt you so many time, this is not a surprise to me, seeinh you inlive with some one

And losing live for me, i know this going to happen , i was just hurt seeing you hapoy with him ....... Nini


I went home i trow the ice cream, i enter the door saw them so sweet i smile and enter my room

"Leo come here" i call my pet leo i just brought her recently, he is my cudling buddy , is so fluffly and soft

He is just , nevermind he is my comfort zone this days , hurt and tiredness leave my body as soom as he walk towards me , i smile so wide as i saw him

"Mommy missed you so much" im suddenly crying i just can't believe what i saw earlier, i don't have a dare to hurt

I did much more of that to her, i hurt her more than she hirting me now, but i all did that for her, and this is not for me

I wonder how she lost her live to me

"Jen" i heard a shout i ignore it, i still cudling with leo when someone knock so hard on my door

"Fvcking open this door lalisa" a angry voice it was from jennie i sigh and open it, a loud slap will heard i fall down

"So that's why you didn't go home that day, cause you are having fun fvcking that girl sunmi" she shout at me i feel a tears down on mu cheek it was hurt i stood up

"Who even tell you that" i said as i saw jisoo unnie wide her eye as she saw me, i smile bitterly , and wipe my tears

"Wwll it just sunmi gave me the video" she said and make me saw it, i nod bitterly and fake smile

"Think what you want but i surely assure you i didn't do something bad" i said i  think twice but my decission is final , i leaf my shirt

"See this, it's been moth but this bruise never leave my stomach know why, i just got r-raped, it was hurt ofcourse but i can't fight, i know that was not my first tume experiencing it but it still leave a trauma on me, that video , yoi didn't saw how i struggle how i cry, you didn't know what happen after that video, YOU DIDN'T KNOW CAUSE YOUR FVCKING BUSY WITH SOMETHING, YOU DIDN'T KNOW YOU DON'T GAVE A FVCK,  i was hurt jennie, and where are you, having your stupid fvcking ice cream with your lover boy," i look at her and chuckle

"I can't blame you , if i were in you side i will definatelly do the same , but im sorry i was not there to cheer you up, i wasn't there to do the things he do to you, i never there to fullpill your needs " i said and leo came she look down

"Im leaving blackpink" last word i say and close my door , i hear a knocbut i don't care i carry leo and we go in my bed and close my eye,


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