Chapter 40

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They all snap back on thier mind when someone shout

"Sorry im late i just stop somewhere" the choreographer said

"No it's fine" other girls response

"Wait why too many girls" she said and they look at each other

"Aww were going to support our suelgi here" irene said she nod and redvelvet just sit in one corner and other members that in team go infront

"So you are lisa?" She said and look at lisa body head to toe

"He never failed, he is good in picking " she said make lisa curious 'what she talking about' lisa ask on her mind

"So let's start" she shout and teach first the movements

The four girls sitting is really amaze on how perfect they are

"Gosshh i can see how lisa body move " yeri said the one thag too much inlove on lisa

"Yeri stop being too much obvious" joy said and yeri giggle

Irene pov

Were still looking at them and to our surprise were not getting bored by just looking at them because before when suelgi had an dance and we watching her were easyly get bored

"Lisa great job you memorize the move that fast, break" she shout and suelgi go in our side while lisa go in a girl smiling on her

"Ghodd i didn't know lisa is that good in dancing " seul said and drink water

"Why?" Wendy ask

"Because when im dancing i can't take off my eyes on her "i giggle on her me too when she is dancing is like that is the way she hipnotize other people

I look at her and she is laugjing with the girl

"I wish i was that girl look how near them to each other and how happy they are " yeri said aishh this girl really we know she like girls but ghodf

"Maybe she is that close in that staff" joy answer and we saw that lisa lean her head on the girls lap

"Ahhhh they are so sweet like a couple" wendy said i just ignore it and look at lisa still happy her laugh is now my favorite i didn't know but when i first saw her even tho i didn't know her i want to be clise with her

"Okey break is finish" she shout i saw lisa get up and wave at the girl

"Annie when someone call say that im not with you okey i just give you my bag " why she didn't want to talk to them, i just ignore it and they go all in middle

"Im sorry i forgot new choreographer is going here he will take care of you when im doing something important just for today tomorrow im back" they all nod and we keep waiting

"Ohhh there he is" she said and a boy came in looking at someone so i follow where i saw lisa looking so scared and the staff go near to her

"Just a second i will just talk to her" she said and leave will new choach is looking at her

Lisa pov

My world literally stop when i saw him wl, how did he even get here is he already on jail because of what he did to me

"Lisa just calm down okey he will not hurt you cause were here " i hear annie but i can't help it the people who you trust before that try to raped you is in different world

And like the way he look at me look luke he is raping me in her head

"Annie i can't okey he almost raped how did he even got out in jail " i said to annie i saw the four girls sitting looking at us

"Im here just don't look at him okey " i just nod choach call me so i had to say bye to annie i run towards them and face them

"Okey this is a temporary okey im back tomorrow, and choach you will not have a hard job cause they can easly get the movements " she said while he is still looking at my body i cover my tummy

"Okey let's start from the start" he shout and we all go in our position and start the music so i let my body move until i saw him walking towards me

"You doung it wrong here let me help you" he said and hold my tummy i quickly respinse and push him not that hard

"Im okey i can handle it" i answer but he still

Irene pov

We can see how that new coach look and touch lisa he is so pervert i saw lisa trying to get our in his touch

"Hey stop touching her your too much" i heard joy shout and seem like he listen and didn't touch lisa, lisa look at us and smile

They finish the half and they going back tomorrow sadlly we can't came cause we had a scedule too

We saw lisa going out while teacher is following her

"Let's follow them" yeri said and run aishh that kid we all get up and follow yeri to go outside

"How dare you to come here after what you did to me you asshole" i heard a shout from lisa voice im sure that she is it

"Tsk i don't care about it now that im free again just wait" he said and hold lisa wrist so hard

"Let me go, are not contented you ruin already my life jeffrey " wait she know him , and ruin

"I gave all my trust on you but what you did huh , YOU ALMOST RAPED ME JEFFREY that day ruin my life after that day one week later another drunk man came to me and almost raped me again i had a taruma brcause of that" were really shock we didn't know she had this life

"But i already change lisa " i want to go there and punch him but i can't

"Change, change you never change jeff look what are doing now you hurting me and i will never ever trust you again" lisa shout we can hear her footstep so we run back to our position

She enter we can see her red eyes and her wrist i know it will leave bruise how red it is

"A-annie i want to go home" she said in craked voice

"Im sorry i need to go now see you all tomorrow" lisa said and leave

"Goshh i didn't know she had that hell life before , imagine you almost rape and a week of that you almost raped again" wendy said we look where lisa exit she probably that scared to see him


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