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Concert day everybody is busy on thier own word someone is fixing the girls hair some is prepairing thier mics and some is busy cleaning all the things they need

"Ohh comeon chaeng i tought you already eat" i lisa said rose can't performe without eating something

"Give me some bread please" chaeng groan lisa find it cute and staff quickly get it and give it to rose

Lisa saw her camera and decide to take a pic of rose

"Rose give me some post" lisa happily said which rose did she made a post with a bread and lisa a pic of it

"Ohh your so cute choung-ah" lisa said and pinch rose cheek rose giggle

"Be ready" staff shout rose finish her food this day is a very speacial day for the girls they are so excited than being nervous cause this is the different first time for them cause this first time is the thing that will start they journey

"What's up japan" jennie shout all bliks are shouting thier name a loud croud blackpink saw and finding that there is a lot of people supporting them

"Blackpink in your area" jennie shout again and shout start a lot of blinks shout and four of them just smile in happiness knowing that they enjoying thier songs

Part of lisa rap a of them is raping too made lisa laugh and the blink laugh too lisa can't imagine they actually memorize the song

A hapoy start for them is should be a hapoy ending that's what they tought

Next song is now a hyper one  all blikns are jumping and shouting some of them is looking going crazy

"Thank you for supporting us and please enjoy our song even it's not that many please enjoy" lisa said in thier language

"Please stay with us" jennie shout and blink crazyly jumping and shouting


They finish the concert with a happy feeling blackpink is just strating

Lisa pov

I can feel my back hurt more i didn't let them saw this cause were hapoy for our sucessful concert all of us is just smiling at each other my manager came

"Sit first miss so you can relax" yeah he knows i nod and sit i lean my back and close my eyes

"Lis are you okey?"i heard a voice i open my eyes i saw chaeng looking at me i smile

"Yeah just tired"i answer she nod i close my eyes again but this time i feel someone sit next to me i just let it and lean my head on his/her head

Rose pov

"Aww what a sweet couple we have here" i said i take a pic of them they are so cute to be together

"I don't want to wake them up" jisoo said taking a pic too were looking at our two members being so sweet i want a relationship like this a sweet one

"Wake them up were going back to your hotel" ahh i don't want tho i just want them to be calm and just be this sweet at each other

"Lis , jen wake up we nned to go now" i shake jennie cause she is the fastest wake up

"Ahmm" jen graon make lisa wake up she open her eye and look at us we smile

"Ohh sorry i fall a sleep" she said and stood up and straight to dressing room i think she will change her clothes

"Ohh you had a score unnie i can't believe you can do that" i said she just smirk and stood up and she is already fix she just want a cuddle

"Were going now" were just going by our one by one van so it will be lonely cause we had a different hotel they want us to have some alone time im each other

But what if i want to be with them i don't want to be alone i want lisa by my side and two other

I want to hang out with them all day and just spend my time laughing with them

Arghh i just shake my head i open my account and just scrool down

Lisa pov

I decide not to go to hotel early i want to explore japan in night i heard thag there is a lot of beautiful place in japan in night there is a beautiful place in day too but night is more i want

"You really different with others , they are already in thier own hotel they just text me and you exploring all in night, what about tomorrow" i chuckle i just planed to sleep all day long tomorrow i don't want to go out

"Just sleeping in my condo that's why im going to explore it now insted tomorrow" i answer he chuckle

"That's why i said that your different" i nod and look outside its too beautiful here i feel im free here no yg stoping where you going and questiong all the place you go

I feel i came out in prison i love it when i leave korea it's like korea is my jail and other country is my freedom

Im looking for other time i will go to other coutry too i now imagining that day im sure im so happy

Just me alone exploring all the places of the coutry i go just that is okey to me

"You really love out of the country right" i nod he is right i really love it and i wish i always did

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