Chapter Twenty Three | Shattered Shards

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This book is based and inspired by the Originals, with a tinge of the Vampire Diaries. I suggest that you watch the shows to understand some occurrences.

All rights go to The Originals television show on the CW, and Lisa Jane Smith (the author), except the characters and events that are purely of my imagination. PLEASE DO NOT COPY, OR ELSE YOU'LL BE REPORTED.



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The song of the chapter is:Informing the Target by Zack Hemsey

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            MY BODY IS HOT. Unnaturally so. It makes me squirm uncomfortably and I almost see doubles through my hazing vision. But I swallow it back and concentrate on the game. 

       Dwayne lies huddled in the corner of the cottage, holding a meek hand to the two holes in his neck, leaking blood like an over flooded dam. Sweat dots his forehead, and the slackening of his mouth suggests that he is near to his end. 

           I grin demonically and step towards him, having full intentions of breaking some bones before snapping his neck, but muscular arms entrap my waist and fling me to the side roughly. I gasp in pain as my chest collides painfully with the floor.

       I clamber to my feet and a rush of satisfaction races through me as I see Hayley stumble out of the cottage. Good, good. She'll survive. Pushing my hair out of my vision, I bare my teeth as Tyler Lockwood hunches much like I did a few moments previously, although his eyes, unlike mine, are not crimson. They're vivid yellow.

       "Let's play, then."

       He lets out an almighty growl, one that sends even my hairs straight up, because it is a perfect mix of wolf and vampire, like two sides of a coin; the brevity of a vampire, the savageness of a werewolf. It hits me that this might be my tragic end; weakened by poison, yet still fighting for the life of others. It sounds nice. It won't redeem me from my sins, but it makes me sound almost heroic, and that is the way I want to go.

      He speeds towards me and I move sleekly to the side at the last minute, wrapping my arms around his neck, pushing it roughly to the floor. I bring up my knee and slam it into his stomach, although it doesn't seem like it's having much of an effect.

      He pushes upward and sends a punch to the side of my face, obscuring my perception of the world, but I dig in my nails into his flesh, until drops of blood erupt from the surface of his skin and drag him upwards. I push my weight onto him, throwing him into the wall in front of me and he crumples momentarily.

      I walk towards him, trying to keep my head up, but I am keenly aware of a weakening sensation spreading through me. I might overexert myself, but I must win this. These men tried to injure an innocent baby. And no one should live through that sin.

       Some sinners should never be allowed redemption.

        Tough fingers encase my neck, digging mercilessly into my skin. I gasp as I feel my trachea collapse and convulse simultaneously. I weakly raise my hands and attempt to throw his hands off me, but the blackness looms over me.

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