Chapter Nine - To Kill a Hybrid Baby

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This book is based and inspired by the Originals, with a tinge of the Vampire Diaries. I suggest that you watch the shows to understand some occurrences.

All rights go to The Originals television show on the CW, and Lisa Jane Smith (the author), except the characters and events that are purely of my imagination.



"THE GOVERNOR HAD lots of secret rooms. I'll show you his favourite." Rebekah says.

We were currently walking down a very steep and narrow staircase, down to the basement, which, according to Rebekah, held a secret room. Perhaps Elijah was hidden here. Of course, Hayley could not care less about Elijah if she wanted, and she was only here because Rebekah ordered her to, but I came willingly. I want to find out where Elijah is, and by the way Rebekah, an Original, is behaving, it must be serious.

We reach the end of the staircase, and an old, rotting door stands, the exact colour of the wall. It must have blended nicely back in the day, but now the rot and cobwebs made it obvious that there was a door. Rebekah kicks it open using as little of the surface area of her stilettos as she could and struts in, beckoning us to follow.

We enter a dark, damp room, patched with cobwebs nearly everywhere. I might be extremely old, but I was, am, and will be always frightened of insects of any kind, size and shape. Hey, I am a girl, after all!

I swallow uneasily, but I force myself to appear confident. I nearly yelp as a silver strand of a web brushes my hand, and I jump, biting my tongue to refrain myself from screaming my head off. I force my brain to focus on the objects in the room. I wait for my eyes to accustom to the darkness, and when they do, my eyes nearly pop out of their sockets.


They were polished and black, with a single silver, lean cross painted on them. They were long and cuboid shaped, the exact size for an average human being. I counted how many there were: four, each held up on a pedestal. I swallow back some bile; they were obviously a new addition the the household, but who put them there? Why? And who are in it?

Suddenly the realisation hits me, but before I can speak, Hayley beats me to it. "You think Klaus killed him." Hayley says in a shocked tone. "Originals cannot be killed, silly." I say to Hayley, crossing my arms together.

"But that does not stop Klaus from torturing us; he has a set of mystical silver daggers," Rebekah explains, looking at us in turn, and flicking on a torch, "one in the heart sends us into a deep slumber. Klaus gets his jollies from keeping us in a box until he decides to pull the dagger out." She glances at Hayley, who looks queasy. "That's what he must have done to Elijah." she concludes, flashing the torch on each of the coffins.

Then, she stops at one coffin and purses her lips. "This one is mine."

"He keeps your coffin on standby." Hayley stammers, starting to look pale. "He likes to be prepared when his family members inevitably disappoint him." She shines the torch around the area, searching. "Elijah's isn't here; he must have stashed him elsewhere."

Hayley massages her stomach, looking paler by the second. "I feel sick." she moans, curling her lip. Rebekah looks at Hayley rather arrogantly. "Welcome to the family, love. You should have run the second you realised that Elijah was gone."

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