Chapter Eleven - The 'M' Stands for Mikaelson, Not Marcel

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This book is based and inspired by the Originals, with a tinge of the Vampire Diaries. I suggest that you watch the shows to understand some occurrences.

All rights go to The Originals television show on the CW, and Lisa Jane Smith (the author), except the characters and events that are purely of my imagination. PLEASE DO NOT COPY, OR ELSE YOU'LL BE REPORTED.


The song of the chapter is:  Alone Again by Alyssa Reid 


     THE FIRST SENSE THAT returns to me is  hearing; I hear the faint whistle of the breeze, and a wooden creak. But I am still numb — it is a weird kind of numbness, though. I feel as though my body is anchored to the bottom of the ocean. I can still breathe, yet through my closed eyelids, I can sense warmth. Light.

     I battle with my mind to move, however, my physical body does not budge. "Help!" I yell. "Wake me up!" In spite of this, no one aids me. Strangely, I am not weak; in fact, I feel quite healthy and strong. I am just submerged in this nothingness.

     I can feel my body on something soft —  a mattress — yet I am still suspended in this vulnerable ocean.

     Abruptly, I hear voices, crystal sharp. "Welcome back, Rebekah. You were out for quite a while." Marcel. I hiss, remembering what happened with Davina and the arse himself. God knows what time it is. Rebekah and I could have been knocked out for an entire day.

      "Where am I?" A female voice asks. That had to be Rebekah. "How did I get here?"

     "You upset Davina. I'm glad you two got to meet. Now you know what you're dealing with." I feel strong shivers running up my vertebrae. The way Marcel said those words . . . it was as though Davina was the witch's version of an Original.

     "Is this my old room?" I swear I feel like punching her. Out of all the information she could have asked about, she queried Marcel on her bloody room. She could have dug for information to get out of here, wherever the hell 'here' was. Who knows, maybe Marcel was planning to use us as leverage. Sure, Nik would get his sister back, eventually, but most probably he would not bother about me. After all, I did hit him there.

     Okay, calm down. I intoned inside myself. Don't get paranoid or else you won't be able to think rationally. 

     "Well, it's mine now. Just like this town is mine, Davina is mine and Elijah's mine, until I feel like giving him back. What was once yours, what was once your brother's, it's now mine." If this situation was much more light, I would have laughed at his brat-like rant. However, I was in no position to do anything. I was a sitting duck. Or vampire.

     I faintly hear some footsteps, until they abruptly stop. "Oh, and, tell your friend here to never touch Cami again, or she'll suffer the consequences." 

     I involuntarily gulp when the door shuts with a thundering snap.

     I feel the mattress moving and some hairs faintly tickling my face. "Melissa?" Rebekah breathed. "Get up, we need to get out of here now."

     I clench my fists, pinching my sides until I imagine a big blue bruise, but no matter what kind of pain I place myself in, I cannot get out of this sea. I cannot even open my eyes. It made me feel so damn defenseless, so exposed. And I needed to awaken fast, because Rebekah was never really patient, even when she was human, so she could just leave me here to rot. 

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