Frequently Asked Questions

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Yes, the moment has finally come for a FAQ page. I thought I would add one to this book, as I get numerous questions on the same thing, and it would be easier to just read the answers to popular questions here.

This is an on-going page, so I will still renew and update this part no matter where in the book I've reached. So, keep an eye out for questions to be answered. In fact, write your queries on the 'comment' section of this part or PM me (preferably comment), and I will get to you as soon as possible.

Don't be a silent reader, I won't bite (unlike Melissa!), so feel free to ask me anything! I'm open to anything!

Here goes:

1) Do you make your own book covers?

I get this question a lot, and if you've stuck with me since the beginning, you would have seen a variety of book covers. My favourite, till now, is the current book cover of the woman in the water. While I did love the first one, with Emma Stone and the Originals cast, I felt it was too clustered and I went for a more minimalist design. Sometimes, less is more! I hope you like it!

2) You need to edit your work as there are a few mishaps, or events that do not correlate.

I am aware of this, and if you do spot typos, feel free to comment on them politely. I'm human, I'm not perfect, and sometimes the writing juice comes on so fast and so strong that my fingers skim over the keyboard. That's when typos occur.

I tend to be a perfectionist, so if you spot mistakes, feel free to point them out. However, bear in mind that I follow the British English vocabulary, so if you're American and you see some words that might seem wrong, it might just be the British version of it.

Now, moving on to events that do not correlate. I started this book two year ago, and when I started this, I had no idea that the response would be this good (thanks, by the way, my Fangsters) so I did not plan AT ALL. Of course, as more readers flocked to read this, I started planning and tweaking, and if you check the top of the chapters, there will either be 'UNEDITED' or 'EDITED'. Once I'm done with this, I will go back and edit everything; from grammar to typos, to certain situations/quotes that do not seem to merge with the book.

3) Sometimes your writing mood changes in between chapters, especially if you compare the first few chapters of this book to the later ones. What's up with that?

Okay, so, I will admit, I never got this question, but I needed to explain this, so I added it here.

I don't write everyday, as I am in a crucial point of my education in my life, even if I want to (and I do) I can't. I have essays and homework and projects and presentations to prepare for.

That being said, there are other reasons as to why the later chapters are more serious.

A) over the course of the months taken to do this project, I have matured and improved my writing style.

B) it is a method of character development. In the beginning, Melissa was introduced in a nightclub as a wild party girl. When Hayley called for help, she had to outgrow that husk to protect her friends, which is where and when she had to jolt out of her party state to mature.

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