This Is The End

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My name is Rebecca, and on the chaotic, yet calm stormy day of August 28th, 2015 ― after two long, operose years ― I typed my two final words and set my hands to my side, sighing contentedly at the novel I had assuredly completed.

The end.

Even though my fingers were cramping, and there was a dullness in my stomach that signifies either hunger (for food guys! Chill!) or using my brain to its maximum potential, there was a stillness, a peace that resided over the room I was sat in. It was a peace that I revelled in, a peace that I wished would remain with me forever.

In that moment, I was truly happy.

In that moment, I felt a certain sense of pride, accompanied by humbleness. 

I had finally completed Of Monsters and Men. I had battled it out with my numerous insecurities and with my turbulent emotions for the past year and emerged victorious. I won. And all in all, the mild neglect of social interaction was ― is worth the end result of holding this complete book in my hands.

It has been a journey, for sure. When I started writing this, I had no idea that it would spring to these lengths, that, today, I'd have 500 followers who sincerely cared for the work I do. I went through periods of writer's block that lasted months, yet, I always returned here. And I am so glad that I never gave up. For this, I thank all the commentators who cared not only about Mel, but also for me, as shown by the inspirational messages you left me after my confession of my emotional state. I don't like talking about myself, because I believe that writer's (or any other profession) should be known for their work. It wasn't easy to release such information to the whole world, but I think that I'm glad I mentioned it. I personally want to thank TheSilverKeyNote_13 and saundrahakes123 for their messages on that specific regard. They really meant a lot to me, and they are messages I hope to carry and remember forever. I didn't merely thank you for nothing. 

In fact, I have recently realised that I thank people a lot on Wattpad. It does not solely stem from the behavioural lessons inculcated by my parents. When I say thank you to you readers, I mean it from the bottom of my heart. For this reason, I want to thank the following readers, who have been there since forever and supported me throughout: -bluemaximoffwordcartmia0525,  LaCroixBlancheoumaymagattoufi and imagineanewworldstyxgonecrazy208LMoriarty (for that wonderful review), . There are so many other readers I wish to thank for taking the time of day to care about lil' old me and Mel, and just for commenting, but honestly, we'd be here for days. 


And Halah Banana, I thank you most of all Halah8206. You could have left any time, but regardless of the shit that happened in 2015, you stuck by me. You encouraged me to write and cheered whenever I reached a new milestone. You might not watch TO, but you were always there, and that matters to me. You are the bestest best friend a best friend could wish for! (wtf did I just say? Mind fuck!) I love you sis! <3

Moving on.

As cheesy as it sounds, I have matured not only as a person, but as a writer too over the course of these two years. There were times where I considered giving up, but I didn't, because of you. Because I read your comments which instigated me to keep going. And writing through my toiling year is what kept me sane through all this shit storm. Everything I have described, is apparent through this roller coaster of a ride. You can literally see the difference from the first chapter to the last. In fact, old readers, I want to inform you that I have completely revised the first few chapters of the book (shown by the annotation at the top of each chapter). The girl we met at the club two years ago has been stripped to something else entirely in the new first chapter. Check it out, maybe you can tell me what you think!

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