Chapter Ten - And Then There Were Two

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This book is based and inspired by the Originals, with a tinge of the Vampire Diaries. I suggest that you watch the shows to understand some occurrences.

All rights go to The Originals television show on the CW, and Lisa Jane Smith (the author), except the characters and events that are purely of my imagination.

I want to thank all the new awesome voters, reading list adders and followers! I wish I could personally thank you all individually, like I used to, but I'm afraid there are too many people to keep track of, so I am thanking you all publicly.

I am aware of the month-long gap between this chapter and the previous one, and you have no idea how sorry I am! I couldn't help it and I could keep writing reasons why, but I'm not going to bore you here and waste your time.

I just want to inform you that I might not be updating that much for one month because my aunt is coming over for one month (nnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!).

BANNER (1ST ONE, LOL) ONE THE SIDE, MADE BY THE AWESOME randomsweetstuff. Thanks a million!


before me. Two heartless vampires lay sprawled on the cement ground, and pools of blood, like flowers, seeped through the immediate area. And I do not mean 'heartless' metaphorically. Hayley stood faintly in the middle of the carnage, clamming her mouth shut so that she would not throw up. Rebekah Mikaelson was picking blood out of the underneath of her fingernails, uncaring of the bodies rotting beside her.

     This was bad. Sure, we saved Hayley, who for God knows what reason decided to take a Sunday stroll through the Quarter for coffee, disobeying direct orders from the witches and Nik. But now we had killed two more of Marcel's Nightwalkers. Which meant that he now had eight spots to fill in. Which meant that he would get even more suspicious of us than he already was.

     Which meant that Nik was going be livid.

     I swallowed with annoyance. Nik and I had come a long way today. Sure, we were not best friends forever, but we were at least of speaking terms. And that was more than I could have imagined. Of course, maybe he would not be so pleased if he found out who I was.

     Melissandre died a long time ago. You are Melissa now.

     I am so deep in my thoughts that I do not hear another Nightwalker vampire creep up behind me. Rebekah does, though, and she yells out a warning. She speeds up to the vampire and is about to rip his heart out, when I swivel around and snap his neck, knocking him out.

     At least he was not dead. I hope Nik takes that into consideration.

     "What the hell, Melissa! I could have killed him!" Rebekah shrieks. "Listen, Nik is going to be furious! Marcel is already missing six Nightwalkers, and we killed two more, which means he has eight spots to fill. He is already suspicious of us and this will worsen things. Maybe Nik can take this vampire -" I jerk my thumb to his unconscious body, " - and drain him of blood and compel him!"

     A long silence ensues after my little screaming match. Rebekah's mad at me, I can tell, but she cannot say anything against me because she knows that I am right. "Why does he have to drain him of blood?" She questions finally.

     "Ever since we came to New Orleans Marcel has been feeding his Nightwalkers and Daywalkers with vervain, since he knows that Originals can even compel vampires." I answer patiently.

     Unexpectedly, Rebekah's eyes gleam maliciously, and I take a step back, since I am not used to 'killer mode' Rebekah. "Since when are you on nickname terms with my brother? Coincidentally using the nickname that only I use?"


     I flap my mouth open and close rather like a goldfish, if I say so myself. My breath is shaky with speechlessness, and I know that Rebekah can hear it. "I-I I -" I stutter, my eyes wide. "Of course," Rebekah continues wickedly, "another person used to call him Nik. Someone from a long time ago, nearly a thousand years ago, in fact."

     I knew who that person was.


     All this time I was careful, making sure to call him either Niklaus or Klaus, and in a moment of anger and high emotions, I spat out the one thing that could shake my entire disguise apart. "And I have this feeling that you know who I'm talking about," Rebekah takes a step forward and I take one backwards. We continue this little dance until the back of my legs hit the bench that Hayley was sitting on.

     "Rebekah -" I falter. "This is not the time to -"

     "I'm not stupid. You share the same family name like her. You even have the same kind of name; of course, you might have modernised it as the world went on. You might have fooled my brother, but I know that something is going on with you. Who are you?" She spits. "Are you some kind of descendant?"

     At first I am glad that she thinks I am a descendant, but then I realise that she thinks that Melissandre - me - was a cheating bitch. I decided to take the safe route and channel my anger in my words.

     "Listen, I do not know who you are referring to. There are a thousand Melissa's and Fiorelli's in this world. Maybe you should go interrogate the entirety of the other girls before you accuse me of being someone that I don't know and haven't met. And the reason I called him Nik was because Klaus sounds too old fashioned and outwordly for someone of the twenty-first century. I didn't want anyone around us to be suspicious."

     Rebekah's eyes narrow with each passing word, and I brush her off by sidestepping and hoisting one of the vampire's body on my shoulder. "Instead of having a shouting match in the middle of the street with dead bodies around us, why don't we first take the bodies to your mansion and call your brother and let him shout at us for disappointing him, hmm?"

     I make sure that the body is safely hoisted on my shoulder and then I jerk my head at Hayley. "Come on, take my hand." I show her my palm and notice that Hayley is looking at it queasily. I snort. "It's just blood, Hayley."

     But instead of making the wait longer, I shift the body to other shoulder and put out my other hand. "See?" I show her my hand. "Crystal clean."

     She hesitantly tip toes through the pools of blood and grips my hand. Before I crouch, to get ready to run, I give a last glance at Rebekah. "Take the other two. I'll meet you at the mansion."

      I do not wait to see how she takes my command. In a blur of wind and colour, we take off to the Mikaelson's mansion.


     I dump the body on a corner of the grass lawn and let go of Hayley's hand. "Whew!" I exhaled. "That dude was messy." Sure enough, my beautiful top was smeared with blood permanently. I sulked. I liked that top.

      A few seconds after I had dumped the man's body, Rebekah followed, with two men, one who was still alive, judging by his groaning, and dumped the pair on the lawn as well. She brushed her hands and put them on her hips. Rebekah ignored me and glared at Hayley. "What were you doing in the Quarter? You were lucky that Melissa and I were in the vicinity to help you. What were you trying to do, get yourself killed?" She yelled.

     Hayley did not respond, and just looked down at her feet. I frowned. Why wasn't she answering? Before I could open my mouth to interrogate her, I feel a whoosh around me and I look around, trying to find its source. Finally, I see him, staring at the bodies on the lawn.

     Nik rubbed his forehead, barely containing his anger. He let out a sigh full of rage and whipped around, towering over Hayley. "This is why I told you never to leave the house. Werewolves are banned in the Quarter. I had a plan and your little night time stroll put it all in peril." His voice is quiet, but I can still hear the faint tremble of anger that he is suppressing.

     The vampire who is still alive, lets out a groan, and Rebekah takes a step, probably to end his misery. I attempt to remind her that Nik needs to drain him of blood. I say, "Rebekah, don't, Nik needs him for his plan," at the same time Nik yells loudly, "leave him!"

     "You've done enough, don't you think, leaving a trail of bodies like a road map to my door." He growls, quiet once again. Somehow, I feel that I prefer Nik screaming rather than speaking quietly, because his quietness is terrifying; we don't know what he'll do next.

     Rebekah raises an incredulous eyebrow. "If I hadn't overheard this 'little' squabble resulting in the rolling of werewolf heads, everyone here would be screwed!" She spread out her hands, growing increasingly angrier by the passing minute. "And don't give me that crap about having a plan! You've had all the time in the world to execute a plan and yet, no one's seen you do a damn thing!" She ranted heatedly.

     Exhaling a loud sigh to calm down, Rebekah continues, her voice wavering with rage. "Elijah made a deal to protect your child, so that it can save you from your selfish, rotten self. You obviously don't give a damn about the child, or Elijah, because what have you done to honour it?" Rebekah yells.

     "Enough, Rebekah!" I growl a warning. She whips around to face me and super speeds into my face. Unflinchingly, I gaze back at her, waiting for her to explode. "And you!" She screams, clenching her fists. "You do not command me! I am an Original, and I do not take orders from anyone, do you understand?"

     I cross my arms and take a step forward, so close that the tip of my nose is nearly brushing hers. "And that is what is going to get you killed, Rebekah. Your arrogance will come and bite you in the ass." I say it quietly, but with all of us being part of the supernatural, nobody has a problem with listening in. "So," I conclude, finally taking a step back, "listen to what your brother has to say, because, contrary to what you accuse him of, we did execute a plan. You just weren't there to see it."

     I turn my attention back to Nik and slowly, breathing heavily, Rebekah does the same. Nik has no expression and he doesn't even glance my way to thank me. I shrug it off. Nik was not that kind of person, although I knew he appreciated it just the same.

     He owed me.

     "I have done everything." Nik growls at her, hurt glimmering in his eyes at Rebekah's harsh words. "Let me spell it out for you, shall I?" He spreads his arms and curls his lip. "From the day I arrived, Marcel hasn't trusted me. From day one, he's had his vampires ingest toxic vervain, which, as you know, little sister, protects them from my mind control. I needed a spy; someone on the inside whom Marcel would never suspect. So, I created a day zero and got there first in one of his infamous parties. I killed two humans with vampire blood in their veins. They woke up in transition. Marcel killed one, and I took another.

     "Marcel had just lost six vampires - thanks to you, little sister, for your little murder spree, and he needed new recruits. So I made the new one mine by compulsion, before he'd had even one drop of vervain. An insider, Josh.

     "But we all know that the real way to a man is through his heart. Marcel has this little crush on a human, Camille, and had asked her out for a date. She was logical, sniffing out his darkness, and declined the offer. I, with compulsion, convinced her otherwise. I also compelled her to tell me where he goes and who he sees." Nik takes a breather, allowing Hayley and Rebekah to process all the new information.

     Another groan from the fallen vampire punctured the night, and Nik swivels around, to catch him by the scruff of his collar. "And this one, I'm going to drain him of vervain, compel him to believe that his mates found religion and moved to Utah, so that he can explain to Marcel why he lost three more vampires tonight." Nik drags the vampire's limp body across the lawn and into the mansion, Rebekah, Hayley and I hot on his heels.

     I smirked at the thought of Nik compelling the vampire, after draining him of blood like I had suggested to Rebekah. Ah, great minds think alike.

     Nik barged in the mansion and threw the vampire's body in a corner and suddenly swivelled around. "Does anyone have any more questions?" Nik spread his arms, his eyes traveling slowly from Rebekah to Hayley. "No? Good." He nods, satisfied. "Because I have a question, Hayley. What were you doing in the bloody French Quarter, in the first place?"

     The room is eerily silent as Hayley looks down at her feet, not answering. This angered Nik, who shouted out a loud, "answer me!"

      Apparently, this triggers a nerve in Hayley because, for the first time, she stands up to Nik. "You want to know what I was doing?" She asks rhetorically, striding in front of Nik. "I was buying poison so I could put your little baby out of its misery."

     I took in a sharp breath. I got where she was coming from. I mean, she did not want this child, from what I garnered from our little talk. She did not know how to be a mother. She was too young and not ready in the slightest. More so, the baby was created on a night that did not matter emotionally to Hayley. In addition, this was not a normal pregnancy. She was holding the beginning of a new species in her womb, something that could change the entire world.

     Not to mention that the happy daddy was the most powerful being on Earth who had apparently no heart.

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