Did You Know . . .?

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DID YOU KNOW . . . ?

• that I began writing this book right after the first episode aired?

• that before we met Camille on the TV show, I made Melissa's character do a psychology degree like Camille?

• that Melissa's character was actually supposed to be placed in the Vampire Diaries universe? When I saw the first episode I incorporated her character into the Originals instead and I am glad I did, although I did write the first chapter for the TVD version.

• that Melissa was supposed to be Damon Salvatore's love interest and Katherine Pierce's close friend (arguably best friend) in the Vampire Diaries edition?

• that I momentarily deliberated a love triangle between Elijah and Klaus?

• that it was purely coincidental that Genevieve had the same physical features like what I imagined Melissa to be waaaaay before Genevieve was introduced in the TV show?

• that when I started OMM, I had absolutely no plans for what I would write about in the future? In fact, I never expected this much response, I just expected, like, 50 reads and that's it. When it started to pick up, I took a long hiatus to think and plan the book out. When I started, I had no idea why Melissa ran away one thousand years ago. I was just as clueless as you were lol!

• that the introduction of Aaron's character was a spur on the moment decision?

• that I was planning on introducing Tatia Petrova in the 100K Special Chapter a few weeks before it was announced that Nina Dobrev was going to guest star as Tatia Petrova on TO?

• that there are clues hidden in these chapters hinting towards the future book?

• that I began OMM because I was bored and had a free weekend two years ago?

• that I'm absolute shit at maintaining my tenses throughout a longass chapter? I still hope that no one notices, but you probably do anyway. :(

• that in my head when I'm planning scenes I refer to Melissa as Mellie-Poo? WTAF?? I don't even know how this happened. I'm so weird.

• that I hate writing on phones, so I always write my chapters on my laptop.

• that writing OMM has made me cope with real life?

• that I listened to heroic/villain soundtracks and Game of Thrones soundtracks whilst writing this book?

• that I'm scared shitless of writing the next book because I fear that nobody will read it and it will just have 100 reads in comparison to the 300K reads I have on this one?

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