Competition Results

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Please note that this update is not a chapter.


As you probably know, there's been a competition spread out over two weeks, in which it was voluntary to make at least one creative media, and an official shipping name for Klaus and Melissa. 

I'm happy and beyond delighted to say that not only did the last chapter get 51 comments, which is the highest number of comments I've ever had, but also did numerous people participate.

Unfortunately, a lot of people only gave the shipping name, and not an entry of creative media, therefore (even though I did consider to branch out the competition into two parts) you were not able to officially participate. Please note that even though many were not able to enter due to this issue, I DID read everyone's shipping names, and to say that I was over the moon with the interactions would be an underestimation.

I'm a bit of a perfectionist, so it pains me to add a random part to my book which isn't a chapter, because, frankly, it feels improfessional. The winner was promised to have their work showcased on the 'media' section of this book, and I have already put another image in the next chapter, and Wattpad unfortunately does not allow to add two pieces of media on the same chapter, so, I will have to make do, because I don't break my promises.

So, it is my greatest pleasure to announce that the winner is . . . 

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. . . mainlyTVD, congratulations, you're the winner! Your poster is now placed on the 'media' section of this part, and you should be proud. Well done!

I want to announce that the official shipping name is: Klausandrea. So ship 'em, love 'em, grow with 'em!  #TeamKlausandrea!

For the people that did participate, you deserve to be congratulated as well, because it must have been hard to create such wonderful things, especially with such busy lives our generation has to go through! Thank you for joining in, I really appreciate it.

This was a wonderful experience, I LOVE YOU READERS SO MUCH! I also want to grab this chance and thank my best friend, Halah8206, for taking the time to judge the winner with me, even though I knew you were dying to return to talking about 1D and complain about how horrible swimming and P.E are in our school! LOL!

I want to thank all the participators, all your entries seriously made my day ― you're the best followers a girl like me could hope for :)

On another note, what do you expect from this story? What do you want? What times do you prefer me to post, in the afternoon, or the evening? Morning is out of the question, since, well, let's just say that I'm a teenager who loves her sleep. If you don't tell me, you might not get what you want, so please tell me all your opinions. I like to interact with my readers, and if you have an idea or a suggestion, don't be shy! I won't bite, but Melissa might if you don't. 

Yes, I am being serious.

And yes, that was totally a joke. Which wasn't funny in the slightest.

Anyway, got to get back to writing and homework and reading and messaging. Toodles!


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