Hate and Harassment

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 Will contain strong language and opinions 

Okay, let's get one thing straight: I am a very docile person; reserved, shy . . . all in all, I'm not outgoing. It takes a lot of shit to push me to the point where I am at now. I am angry. No, I'm furious.

Wattpad is the only platform I have where I can express myself, creatively and personally without fear of being called 'nerd' or weird. I can swear without being judged, I can vicariously live through Mel and honestly? I wish you guys could replace the 'friends' I have, because most of them are boy-obsessed, plastic dolls who think they are the best thing on this planet since the invention of Nutella.

Wattpad is a safe haven, and all my loyal readers (e.g. @wordcart, @saundrahakes123, @Angelicsailor , just to name a few) who love my book and comment on each chapter every time I update make me feel like this is a sanctuary, honestly. They are lovely, lovely people with awesome personalities. And even though I have never met them in real life, I consider them to be my online friends. Not once have they been rude or malignant to me, my book or my readers. I feel free here, as strange as that sounds.

In all my time on this website, writing 'Of Monsters and Men', I have been extremely lucky. I have always expected hate, but so far, I have only received a grand total of three to four really hateful comments. I have had Melissa being called pathetic, a Nazi, a bitch, a diva and so on. Okay. That is your opinion about her, even though I strongly disagree. In her position, in her shoes, Mel's hatred for certain people or reactions to certain events are a result of living in hiding for 1K years. There is a reason I make Mel act the way she does and I am in full control and awareness about why she does what. But that isn't the reason why you're reading this, folks.

 I refuse to name any names, but recently, I have been witness to a brutal fight between a girl (let's call her Green) and another girl (let's call her Orange) who is reader of mine. Orange called my character . . . certain things. She didn't sugar coat it, and was completely honest about it. Whilst I do appreciate her candour (I really did), I did not appreciate the rudeness in which she said it in.

1. Telling yourself that you're honest doesn't give you the right to attack someone/something.

2. Telling yourself that you're blunt and people just have to 'deal with it' doesn't give you the right to attack someone/something.

3. Telling yourself that by writing 'I love your story' at the end of a paragraph which clearly brings down my character doesn't give you the right to attack someone/something.

4. Telling yourself that you are sarcastic doesn't give you the right to attack someone/something.

Regardless of who the hell you think you are, a queen or a peasant, it doesn't give you the right to shame a person using hate, when you clearly have never met that said person.

It doesn't make it okay.

Green defended Melissa by noting down her redeeming qualities. She was blunt in saying that she thought the reader's comment was phrased rudely, and told Orange to think twice before commenting, but not once did she attack her personally.

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