Chapter Eight - Rebekah Mikaelson Is Coming to Town

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This book is based and inspired by the Originals, with a tinge of the Vampire Diaries. I suggest that you watch the shows to understand some occurrences.

All rights go to The Originals television show on the CW, and Lisa Jane Smith (the author), except the characters and events that are purely of my imagination.




      "WAIT, WHAT DID ELIJAH promise you?" I asked. Hayley had just revealed that Elijah had talked to her last night. "Well," Hayley said, "he promised me that he would always protect me, and that he gave me his word."

     I raised my eyebrows incredulously. "Elijah gave you his word?" 

     "Yeah, and they were talking about Marcel and the witches. Klaus is worried about them, and Elijah said that Marcel had something that the witches wanted because they don't want him dead."

     "There must be a reason why . . ." I said in conclusion, rather thoughtfully. "But why do people keep on going on about Elijah's word? It's not that important!" Hayley asks.

     I opened my mouth, probably to say something sarcastic, but I never get the chance. I get a prickly feeling on the back of my neck, and that usually is a sign for my body to activate my vampire powers. 

     I expand my hearing to outside the mansion, only to hear an impatient click clack of stilettos. A high-pitched female voice wafts through my ears, as though through a tube. "Elijah, if not answering your phone is part of your clever plan to get me to this godforsaken city, then well done - I'm here and I'm worried. Now pick up before I kick in your bloody door!"

     I turn my attention to Hayley. "D'you hear that?" I ask. Hayley nods. Of course Hayley heard: she was a werewolf! "Okay," I say. "We'll walk downstairs to see who it is alright? But walk behind me, just in case." Hayley nods one more time and we make our way downstairs, by the grand staircase. 

     The door opens and a tall woman, wearing a black dress to the knees with perfectly curled blond hair and blue eyes enters, looking impatient. She glances around the mansion, probably to see if there was someone.

     It was Rebekah Mikaelson. 

     Her eyes falls to us and she nods towards Hayley, gesturing to her car. "Ah, you must be the maid. My bag is in the car, get them, will you?" I snort, crossing my hands. "I'm obviously not a maid, Rebekah."

     She smirks at me in an indifferent fashion and says, "I know. It's obvious by your clothes." Her eyes trails down from my head to my clothes, scanning each accessory. "A Cartier diamond watch, Swarovski necklace and top of the line clothes from the newest season? You're not a maid. However, I can't say the same for your little friend," she continues, placing her black clutch on a nearby dresser.

     "You know who I am." Rebekah finishes. I snort again. If only she knew. "Everyone knows you in this town. Rebekah Mikaelson, little sister to Niklaus Mikaelson, the greatest vampire on this Earth. You're famous." I praise. Rebekah always liked to be admired and praised. It got you in her good books, and besides, she did not know that I was Mellisandre, so I needed her to like me.

     Plus, our friendship from the past was pretty hard to ignore.

     She smiles at me again, regarding me with a look. I guess it was a look that said you're-my-friend-not-my-enemy look though. "I like you already." she decides, much to my relief. "What's your name?"

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