Wattys 2015

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So I have exciting news: in commemoration of finishing 'Of Monsters and Men' after a two-year long struggle, I've decided to enter it in the Wattys 2015 :)

Now, there are two categories that my story is eligible in: FanFiction Feels (not voting based) and People's Choice Awards (voting based).

You've followed me, voted for my story and turned the two hundred pages of OMM for a reason: you enjoy my writing surrounding Melissa in the fantastical world of The Originals. As I have mentioned and discussed in my new book (I Read Past My Bedtime), there are a number of reasons I want to enter this story, even though honestly I don't think it will win since I've decided to enter so late. Oops!

I'll just copy-and-paste the gist of my tale, because I have been editing the book for hours, so my fingers are cramping up to high heaven:

I have finally entered 'Of Monsters and Men' in the 2015 Wattys after days of intense deliberation and late night chats with my best friend. I don't think that I'll win, to be honest, and I don't particularly need to, because my reader's support by messages and comments would be worth my world any day over some fancy sticker on the cover of my book.

Now you may ask: in that case, why are you entering?

Good question.

I'm entering because this book has been a large part of my life since 2013. I've been excited over it, tired, bored, left on hiatus for a few months, returned with brand new enthusiasm, started again, and over the course of my emotions over months and months ― yesterday I finally finished a book that I am incredibly proud of.

I have not told this to anyone on this website because it's something that I'm not entirely comfortable with, but for the last twelve months of my life, I have been extremely depressed. That's all I am going to say on the matter. My book didn't heal me; in fact, I have vented off numerous of my depressed emotions into the book itself, as I am sure many of my faithful, lovely readers have noticed since the beginning of OMM ( it started off happy and sarcastic and bubbly and ended up rather dark, if I do say so myself). However, it has served as a sanctuary, as a hearth to return to after all the tensions rising in my own personal life.

This book matters a lot to me. It has been my solace in the dark, as cheesy as it sounds, but it's true. I tried maintaining a diary or a journal various times throughout my childhood, but always gave up because I got easily bored and frustrated. If there is something you should know about me, it's this: I hate writing about myself, absolutely hate it. So, instead, I feel freer and more comfortable seeping my own emotions through Melissa as she journeys through the world of The Originals. In so many ways, she is me, and I am her.

This book also matters to many of my readers judging by the beautiful comments you leave me. I have made some cry at emotional scenes, people relate to the fandom scenes, and people laugh at the vision of Elijah on a surfboard (early reference, if you guys can remember :) ).

So if you want to, support this story in the Watty Awards. I know some of you have returned to school already and might not have enough time to do whatever you like, but please, if you can, link my story as follows on twitter:


And place the hashtag as #MyWattysChoice and retweet to your heart's content. Or simply press share on my book and just add the hashtag. There is no limit to the amount of times you can retweet this, so if we band together, and try really hard, maybe we have a fighting chance. Remember, deadline for tweets is 31st August. 

If not, there's always next year! :) ❤


PS: you guys are my motivation and rock, throughout not only writing on this website (even though I wanted to give up many times) but also through my personal life in ways you cannot even imagine. I am so grateful to you, my Fangsters :D You're awesome!

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