Chapter Seven - Lean On Me

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This book is based and inspired by the Originals, with a tinge of the Vampire Diaries. I suggest that you watch the shows to understand some occurrences.

All rights go to The Originals television show on the CW, and Lisa Jane Smith (the author), except the characters and events that are purely of my imagination.

This chapter song is based on character development so the song is called 'Lean On Me' by Bill Withers. The link is down below to the right in the multimedia section of this story. There is no dedication this week. Also, it will start directly at the 'The Originals' television show's second episode.



in my hotel room at the sound of my phone ringing its little tune. Disoriented, I sit up with a long sigh, pushing my stray hair out of my forehead. Initially, I am confused: where am I?

     Then all the memories come swirling back: Hayley's kidnapping, coming to New Orleans, seeing Nik after decades, discovering that Hayley is pregnant, meeting Elijah and that little spat in the mausoleum with the witches, Nik and Elijah. Then Elijah brought back Jane-Anne Devereaux's body and went to find Nik, to convince him to accept the deal.

     I remember that I walked out of the LaFayette cemetery not long after Elijah left; I could not stand the tears dripping from the witches' faces while burying Jane-Anne. I found myself a nice hotel, not too flashy to catch Marcel's unwanted attention, and not too dull for my tastes. I had (obviously) compelled the hotel's concierge to give me the best room, with the best services for free.

     I pick up my phone and squint at the number, my eyes still attempting to get accustomed to the morning light. Unknown number flashed on the screen. I checked the time on the phone: it was eight o'clock. I groaned audibly. "Oh, come on!" I said to no one in particular. "What's the point of being a vampire if you can't sleep in?"

     I had half a mind to disconnect the call, but I decided against it: the call could be important. "Make it fast. I don't take it kindly to people who wake me up from my revered slumber." I said, not bothering to greet the caller.

     "Good morning to you too." a sarcastic voice said. "Sophie?" I ask, bewildered. Who gave her my number? Good God, I thought. I have already been here for a day and the whole of New Orleans knows my number, which I know for a fact that I did not hand out like free candy.

"Yeah, it's Sophie." I frown, my brain not really prepared to think and function properly this early in the morning. I mean, come on, I am dead, can I not have my deserved peace? "How did you get this number?" I ask slowly with suspicion.

      I can hear Sophie rolling her eyes. "That's the wrong question. Shouldn't you be asking why I'm calling you?" I raise my eyebrow and turn up a corner of my lips. "I honestly don't care," I say lightly. "To answer your question, I got your number by asking Hayley -"

     I cut in: "couldn't you have asked me directly?" Sophie ignores my question and carries on. "- And you should care: I've called you to tell you that Niklaus accepted the deal; Elijah came and told us."

     "Oh," I say in surprise. "I half thought that he would not have been able to do it."

     "Mmm. Well, Hayley's been moved to the Mikaelson's mansion, at Elijah's request. She's staying there now."

     I perk up. "Can you give me the directions?" I scramble out of bed, searching for a pen. Once I find the piece of paper, Sophie carefully gives me the directions and I note it down, double checking to see if I got it correct. As I move to press the 'end call' button, Sophie states: "Oh, by the way, you know all this emotional mess you're going through? It's only going to get worse. I've seen a lot more drama heading out your way."

     "How do you know that?" I ask.

     "I'm a witch, remember?" She says, before cutting the call. I slowly put my phone down on my lap, staring at it slightly dazedly. I just could not shake off the feeling that Sophie knew a lot more than she was telling me.

      So much for fighting for the same cause and being able to trust each other.



     This is all I can say. The house - no, mansion - is gigantic. Handsome pillars stand on the porch, and an intricate wooden door centers the mansion. Ornate windows dot the white walls, and a simple yet beautiful garden surrounds the property.

     Throughout the course of my undead life, I could have easily compelled humans to build a mansion like this free of charge. But I did not want attention, because Nik could have easily found me. So, I have never really lived the 'high' lifestyle. "You Originals certainly have style," I say in awe to myself, raising my eyebrows.

     I walk to the porch and ring the bell (which seems to be a new installation. God knows how they used to hear the knocker back in the day, judging by the size of this mansion), a bit uncomfortable, not knowing what to do if Nik opens the door.

     I hear someone's light footsteps approach the door and fiddle with the lock, trying to open it. The door swings wide open and Hayley stands behind it, with a warm smile on her face.

     "Hayley!" I squeal, and hug her tightly, unknowingly stepping into the house. I release her from my hug and step back, admiring the interior: large, ornate wallpapers line the walls, and an expensive looking grand staircase is displayed in the middle. Vintage furniture are placed neatly in their places and a large crystal chandelier seems to be hanging in every room.

     "Wow." I say, impressed. Hayley puts her hands on her hips and looks at the 'scenery'. "I know, I said the same thing when I came here last night. Certainly looks better than my old place, right?"

     "Uh huh," I agree, a little spellbound.

     "Melissa Fiorelli," says a British voice behind me that I knew so well. Placing an emotionless expression on my face, I turn around slowly and see that he is leaning casually on a doorframe. "Niklaus Mikaelson." I acknowledge stiffly.

     "I must say," he says, "I never heard of you before, since, as Elijah informed me, you are quite old. From which bloodline do you derive from?"

     I give a stiff smile. "I don't know." I lie. "Besides, why would it interest you?" He gives me a charming grin at that and replies tartly. "They say keep your friends close, but your enemies closer,"

     He starts to walk back to a room, but I stop him by asking, "as you said, you don't know me. So which am I? A friend or foe?"

     "You've not done anything to harm me, so I suppose your status is frozen for the moment."

     "I'm only here for Hayley, Niklaus. Even if you are feared, I don't fear you." I state. He raises an amused eyebrow at my remark. "And why is that?"

     I give a serious look, not fooling around or making bold statements like the young vampires do these days. "Because I won't do anything to hurt you." I say, my voice wavering slightly. He suddenly gives a smirk and says, "I'm impressed, Fiorelli."

     Then, he turns his back to me and closes the door to his study.

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