Chapter 12 (Kara POV)

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Alex and Sam got married last month. It was beautiful day Sam in a wedding dress and Alex was in a suit. After the wedding me and Lena agreed to watch Ruby while Alex and her wife are in Hawaii for their honeymoon. Ruby is so happy for her mother to have someone to love. Since Alex has The woman she loved as her wife it's me turn to do the same. 

After Sam and Alex picked up Ruby I called Lena before I left for Catco to dress in something warm because I taking her somewhere cold.

When I enter our penthouse I find her dress in a black coat waiting for me I took of my glasses so I can be in my supersuit.

"Where are we going darling? Lena asked.

I smiled as I went over to her and kiss her forehead.

"I'm taking you somewhere special since we've been together for a year." I smiled thinking back when I had the job getting a interview but instead I fell in love with the most beautiful woman in the universe.

"We are going to fly there are we?" She asked nervously.

'Yes but don't worried I won't let go." I kiss her on the check. She smiled.

We walk to the balcony Then I pick her up bridal style and we flow north.


Lena and I enter The Fortress  of Solitude Lena was amazed at the place. There in the center are the statues of Kal's parents.

"It's beautiful Kara." Lena smiled.

"Thanks. It's the place where Kal-EL learn who he was and where he came from. When I was younger He always wanted to take me here but I couldn't because it reminded me too much of Kypton." I said with tears coming down my checks as I remember my time on my home planet with my friends, family and my mother.

Oh Kara." Lena hug me from behind. "You lost so much I so sorry." she nuzzle my hair. 

"But since I came to earth it became my new home I had everything I want Kal, Alex, Winn Jo'nn and you. So that's why" I said as got down on my knee and show her the ring.

"Lena Luthor will you marry me?" I asked Lena had tears in her eyes and a smile and she softly laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"Well, I was planning to propose to you today." Lena smiled.


"Yes I will love to be your wife." Lena said.

"YES!" I softly cupped her face to give her a deep kiss.

"Kara make love to me." as Lena plant kisses on my neck. I growled as I Left her up.


"Yours! cried Lena as she wrapped her legs around my waist. She resumed kissing my neck as carried her deep with in the fortress to a room with a bed. When we got the we were naked  in bed. I started to kiss down to her breasts to suck on one nipple while my hand played with the other.

"Oh God Kara!"

I lower my face down her body until come face to face to her vagina. I stick two fingers in her while I lick her clit.

"Oh fuck don't stop." 

I stopped when a idea came to me. I use my superspeed on my tongue to lick her opening.

"Holy Shit!" She cried.

I continued licking her for a few minutes until finally Lena couldn't take it anymore and I felt an orgasm coming

"Oh I'm gonna cum."

"Do it cum on my tongue baby." I told her.

She cummed hard as I happily lick the juices from her opening  as Lena has calmed down from her orgasm.

"You tasted so good baby." as I kissed her so she can tasted herself.

"Thanks Love." Lena smiled.

"I can't wait to be married to you." I smiled as we nuzzle our noses,

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