Chapter 11 (Kara POV)

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"Kara look at you, you're dirty." Lena said as I flew into our penthouse window with a messy hair and my suit is badly damaged, cover in dirt.

"I know." I told her I since lost my cape in my fight with that Alien that put me to sleep, I tried to be supergirl without a cape but with it I always crashing into stuff while making sharp turns.

"I need a new suit, but Winn is out of town visiting his mother."

"Well if you want I can make a new one for you."


"It'll be my pleasure." Lena smiled.

"thanks Lena." I kissed her.

"I'm going to take a shower. Care to join me?"

"I love to do Shower sex with but I need to go to work on you're suit at my lab at L corp." She smirked making blush as she went out the door.

I went into the shower to clean myself as I wash my hair I keep on thinking back when Lena kissed me to wake me from my deep sleep. She said only a kiss of true love can wake me. So me and Lena are met for each over.

I want to marry her but I scared that I maybe moving to fast. As I get out the shower to dry off I thought I need some advice before I do anything. I got out of the bathroom to call the one person that can help me.


I opened the door to let Alex in. I told over the phone that I needed some sisterly advice about Lena. She said that she was glade to come over because she wanted to tell me something about Sam. We both sit down.

"Sam proposed to me." Alex smiled as she show me the ring on her finger.

"that's great news." I hugged her happy for her that she's going be a someone's wife.

"Yes. So what do you want to talk about something with Lena?"

"Well, I'm thinking about buying a ring and ask her to marry me."

"That's great! The danvers sisters are marrying the women of their dreams." Alex said so excited.

"But I'm nervous  about asking her." I told her. I'm worried that she may say no.

"If it makes you feel better Sam was nervous about asking me to marry her but Ruby talked her into asking me because it will be great to have two moms." Alex said.

"You know Cat told me to  dive right in when I thought I was into James."

"Well maybe you should dive in again because Lena is the one for you Kara." Alex softly laid her hands on my shoulders.

"Thanks Alex." I hugged my sister.

Suddenly the door opens, Eve came running in out of breath I got up put my hands on her shoulders to calm her down.

"L corp is under attack!"

"What are you taking about!?" I couldn't think with the thought of Lena in danger. I need to save her.

"I got a call from Lena that Mercy Graves broke into the building" Eve said.

"Lex Luthor's head of security?" Alex asked.

'Yes she was in love with him."

"I don't know what Mercy saw in him." Any girl who was in love with Lex must be crazy.

"I'm guessing that she came  to kill Lena for bringing him down."

"I need to get there." I was heading to the window but Alex blocked me.

"You can't go out there as Kara Danvers." Alex said calming me down.

"Well before I left Lena wanted me to give you this." She handed me glasses that looks like my own.

"put them on. There's a button the left side of the glasses push it and remove them." Eve instructed me.

I put them on. I push the button and took the glasses off. When I did it my suit started to materialize over my body. My new suit and cape are brighter then my old one and the best part of my new suit is that it has pants.

"Pants." I said with the biggest smile.

"Now go." Eve said as I fly out the window to save the love of my life.


I flow into Lena's office to see a woman that I'm assuming is Mercy Graves  penning Lena to the wall. I used my superbreath to blow her away from Lena. She ran into my arms.

"Are you okay." I asked with tears running down my checks.

"Yeah I'm okay. Thanks for saving me." Lena kissed my forehead.

I look over at Mercy who was getting up and look at Lena with so much hate in her eyes. Then she look at me

"You know she's a Luthor right and you are crying?" Mercy said.

"Why do you want her dead." I asked her with trying to keep my anger control.

"She betrayed her own brother. All he wanted is raid the earth of aliens because the earth belongs to the humans not your kind!" she Yelled.

" At least Superman stop him before he did." Lena said.

"Superman will never see you nothing but a Luthor or your alien girlfriend" She smirked as she try to grab a gun But I pun her to the wall.

" Lena maybe a Luthor but she's not like him." I look at Lena who smiled at me as Alex and The DEO agents enters the office to arrest Mercy.

I see you like your new suit?" Lena asked.

"It's great thank you." I smiled as I pulled her into a hug Thanking Rao that she's safe.

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