Chapter 4 (Kara POV)

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"So Lena is coming to game night?" Alex asked me from across table from me. 

"Yeah." I replied.

after Alex and me left the DEO, we decide to go get a drink at the alien bar. She told me that Sam was coming over. I get meet her new girlfriend which I hope she's nice and she'll treat Alex right.  I also told her that Lena knew about The DEO. She was shocked  but I told her that Lena won't say anything.

"I think Lena was surprised that I asked her to game night." I said, thinking back yesterday when I went to see her, she seem sad at first then happy when I asked her.

"Maybe that's because it's her first time being asked to come over to someone's house despite being a Luthor. When someone thinks of Lena they think of Lex Luthor that it scares them. I think you're her first friend she has ever had." Alex said.

"Well, when she comes over I should make her feel welcome. I feel like she could be a good friend too." I said.

When I kissed Lena's hand I don't know what came over me. for some reason I wanted to kiss her on the lips. I didn't what to freak her out I thought kissing her hand was a start. Is it possible that I'm falling in love with Lena, I mean she's pretty beautiful woman with raven hair and green eyes. Wait What!!!

"Kara." Alex said trying to get me attention.

"Oh, sorry for spacing out." I said blushing.

"Sure." Alex smirk.

"What does that mean?" I said with a rise eyebrow.

"Oh, nothing." Alex laughed.

"What so funny?" I asked.

"I tell you later." She said.


Well tonight is game night. Me and Alex had everything set for game night. Everyone was here Winn, James, J'onn, Alex's new girlfriend Sam. I like Sam, she is so nice. Lena isn't here yet. I'm hoping that Lena will have a good time that she feels welcome here every game night or the other times if she comes over to visit.

"Come down, I know you're nervous about Lena." Alex said

"I'm not nervous." I lied

"Crinkle." Alex smiled

" Crud." I blushed.

There's a knock at the door, I walked over to open the door. there's Lena holding a  Noonan's takeout beg. Oh Rao I can already smell the potstickers.

"Oh Lena you my hero!" I said smiling as she enter and handed me the beg.

"Well, you said you like potstickers. So I stopped by Noonan's to get some as a thank you since you brought some lunch for us yesterday." Lena said.

"Hi I'm Alex, Kara has told me everything about you." Alex said shaking her hand.

"Good things I hope." Lena said.

"Hey, Lena." James greeted from the couch.

"Hello James." Lena said.

"You two know each other?" I asked interest, 

"I was there at her brother's trial taking pictures for The Daily Planet." James explained.

"So I heard that you are head of Catco." Lena said.

"That's right." He said.

"So I'm Winn, I used to work with James and Kara at Catco as a T.I guy." Winn said.

"Nice to meet you Winn." Lena said.

"So Lena this J'onn from DEO that Alex works with and is like a dad to us." I introduce her to J'onn hoping he'll like her.

"Hey, it's cool to meet a Martian." Lena said with a big smile.

"That's nice too know. Good to meet you." he said kindly.

"This is Sam my girlfriend." Alex introduce Sam.

"Hey." Lena greeted Sam.

"Hello." Sam said with a small smile.

We had a great time, we played Monopoly. everyone liked Lena, she got along with Alex. They talked about science. J'onn thought she isn't like Lex. So every thing was good. Lena enjoyed herself. I couldn't help but think that I should tell her that I'm Supergirl. I got to know her everyone liked her so it has to be safe for me to tell her.

everyone had to leave for every to face the day tomorrow I walk Lena to the door. Before she was about to leave she turn around and kissed my cheek. She had a happy smile  I like to see.

"I had a good time. Thank you for having me over." she told me.

"Anytime." I said. 

When she left I shut my door. Alex is still here I told her I need to talk to her before she goes to Sam's house.

"What is it Kara?" Alex asked

"I think I'm in love with Lena." I said with a small smile.

"Me and J'onn already knew and she is in love with you to" Alex said.

"How do you know?" I asked surprised.

"You couldn't stop looking at her all night. Alex said.

"Can I tell her I'm Supergirl?" I asked her.

"Well, at first I thought I'll didn't trust her but meeting her I was wrong. Yes you can tell her. Alex said.

" Oh, thank you Alex." I said hugging her.

How will Lena react when Kara tells her the truth? 

Will Lena love her back? 

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