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I was called to the stand in the courtroom to testify against my own brother Lex. He killed a lot of innocent people and for what? to to kill his most hated foe Superman. He even went so far to try  blow up the sun . The Earth can't survive under with out the sun. I was there bound to a chair at Lex's office telling me he's doing it for us and the world because he thinks that Superman is a false god. To me Superman will always be a hero even if he's an Alien. He did all of this because of his fucking ego, he can't stand when there's someone powerful then him that it drove him to madness. before he could that Superman came and arrested him. 

Now Lex is staring at me with a death glare and a look of betrayal while I'm staring him back coldly trying not to show fear.

"Raise your right."  The Bailif said. I did what I was told.

"Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth?" The Bailif asked.

" I do." I said.

"You may start" The Judge said.

"I did whatever I could to talk him out of it but he told me he's doing this for mankind be taking out Superman so the world could look up to him as a hero who and no one was going to stop him. I realize that the brother I loved was far gone so I tried going to the police but he knock me out and bound me to a chair when he was about to blow up the sun . What he didn't know was that I had a recorder on me the whole time."

I saw that Lex was both shock and pissed which made me what to smile. after I said my testimony I got up and sit back down.

"Mr. Luthor, you are charged with murder terrorism and crimes against humanity do you have anything to say before this court?" The Judge ask Lex who stand from his chair with a twisted grin on his face that scared me and the Judge.

"I hate Superman and now I hate my bitch of a sister." I wince at what he said but he has more to say. "All I was trying to do is to save the earth from the aliens.  Superman is nothing more then a poster boy for a Alien takeover we became soft because we looked up to him like a god something I can't stand because we're giving him more power then we should because in time he'll turn on us. I was going to destroy the sun to make him weak like a human so I can prove that humans are greater then him, I would have done it if it wasn't for my sister!" He yelled as he turns to me.

"Lex Luthor, you have been found guilty on all counts and will served life sentence." The Judge said.

I watch as the officers are to escorting Lex out of the courtroom he look at me with rage in his eyes.

"traitor."  he said as he walked by as I looked on with sadness and hate. The brother I known and love was gone replaced by a evil monster. After the trial I had to deal with reporters asking me about my brother and other things. since Lex is in prison it means that Luthorcorp is mine with it I can hopefully turn it into a force for good. If I want to start a new beginning for the company and for myself I need to move out of Metropolis. I can't live in the some city as Lex. So the only place I could of moving to is National City.

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