Chapter 17 (Kara POV)

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We took Lena's private jet to Paris for our honeymoon because like everyone I thought it's the most romantic city in the world. When we landed we checked into a hotel. We enjoyed sightseeing many places Like the Eiffel Tower, we also ate at this great restaurant.

I was having a great time with my wife. One night I got out of the shower to see Lena lading in bed naked smiling at me. I'll be making love with Lena as my wife for the first time and I want it to be special. I dropped my towel.

"Come here my girl of steel."

I got on top of her and being kissing her, I lick her lips then I slip my tongue into her mouth battling her tongue. She parted from my lips to look at me.

"I thought I was going to be alone forever but you see me though my family name and saw me for me."

"You aren't like your family, you are kind and good that made me fell in love with you. If everyone can't see that then fuck them."

"Oh I did I hear you cussed."

"Yeah don't tell Alex. I smiled

"Don't worry but it turns me on." Lena blushed a little.

"Thanks but I think it's time I show my wife how much I love her." I grinned.

I was kissing a line from Lena's chin down over her breasts taking a nipple in my mouth and flicking it with my tongue. Lena gasp and I felt her hand on my hair.

I started to kiss down her abdomen and I licked her bellybutton, I move my mouth  lower until  I was above her center I softly spread her legs. I started to lick her wet folds that made her cry out in pleasure. I put three fingers in her. I was licking her center as I pumping her.

"Oh Kara I'm so close."

"Let it out baby."

She let a cry as she came on my  tongue and mouth. I licked her center dry, I came up to Lena to kissed her on the lips. We smiled at each other.

"Best sex ever." Lena laid her forehead on mine.

"I love you."

"I love you too Kara."

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