Chapter 5 (Kara POV)

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Miss Danvers, are you here to see Miss Luthor?" Eve asked as I enter the L-corp building.

"Yes I hope she's not busy." I said.

"No you can go in." She said.

"Are you going to let her know I'm here?" I asked.

"Kara you are her friend now so there's no need." Eve said smiling.

"Thank you Eve." I told her as I walked to Lena's office to tell her my secret. I open the door to her office. When she saw me she smile then coming in she walked over to me and hugged me.

"Kara this is surprise." Lena said.

"Lena there's something I need to tell you." I said nervously  as she let go of me.

"Sure what is it?" She asked.

"I'm scared that if you know you're hate me." I said with tears in my eyes.

"Hey don't cry why will I hate you."she said softly as she gently wipes my tears from eyes.

"I"m Supergirl Lena " I said as I took off my glasses then I unbutton my shirt to show her The House of EL symbol

Lena stood there and look at me with wide eyes. I thought she'll have a heart attack thankfully she calmed down.

"Lena I wanted tell you since we got to know each other. My friends like you even my sister like you. She even trusted you enough to let me tell that I'm Supergirl so please don't hate me ." I said lowing my head expecting her to be angry and yelling at me to get out of her office.

But she she gently lifted me chin to face her. Too my surprise she wasn't angry she looked confused then look at me softly.

"Why will I be angry at you for telling me the truth. Look I understood why you need to keep you being Supergirl a secret. I mean you are being honest with me that's very nice of you" She smiling at me.

"Thank you Lena for being understanding." I said happy that Lena knows everything now.

"Since you're being truthful there's something I also need to tell you." Lena said blushing nervously.

"What is it?" I asked.

She then warp her arms around my neck and press her lips against mine in a surprise kiss. It was like a dream come true I was kissing her back. Lena was licking my lips I let her tongue into my mouth so we can taste each other's mouths.

We broke our kiss but Lena rest her forehead on mine and my eyes met her kryptonite eyes.

"I love you Kara, I love since the day I laid my eyes on you." Lena told me.

I was stunned Lena loves me even when I lied to her she still loved me. I kiss her on the lips.

"Lena you have no idea how much I love you." I said smiling

"Look at us a Super and a Luthor in love. That's a love story of the century." She laugh softly that made me have butterflies in my belly.

"So Lena Luthor, will you be my girlfriend?" I asked her.

"Yes darling I'll be you're girlfriend." she said with a loving smile then kissed my forehead.

"So if you not busy tomorrow night can we go on a date. I asked hoping she say yes.

"Yes I like it, I'll pick you up." She said.

"Really? That's great." I said excited for our first date.

A/N I know this chapter is short but the next one will be longer.

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