Chapter 10 (Lena POV)

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"Eve can I see you in my office?" I called her on my desk phone. I'm hoping I'm doing the right thing by telling Eve that the woman I loved is Supergirl. Kara said it was okay for me to tell since she's my friend. Kara was scared that I hate her for lying to me. Now I can see why.

"Do you want to see me Lena?" Eve asked as she enter.

"Yes can you take a seat, there is something I need to tell you." I said.

"What is it?"

"It's about Kara." I told her.

"Please tell me you two don't break up?" She asked worried.

"What? No we didn't." I said

"Good. If you don't mind me saying this I think She's the right girl for you." Eve said.

"Thank you." I said.

"So, what do you what to tell me."

"Kara is Supergirl." I confess to Eve.

"Oh I already knew that." Eve smiled

"Wait you do, Since when?" I asked surprised.

"Well, that one time I caught you and Supergirl kissing. You couldn't keep you hands off each other. Also they have blond hair and blue eyes." Eve told me.

"So you not mad?"I asked.

"No Lena you are just keeping your girlfriend safe anyone will kill to know who Supergirl is." Eve told me.

"Thank you Eve." I said as I got out of my desk  to hug her. Eve is a good friend. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I took it  out to see Alex has texted me. I what I read sent chills down my back.

"Get down to The DEO Kara was attack!!!!"

"Oh my God." I had tears coming down.

"What is?" Eve was trying calm down.

"Kara was attack." I told her.

"Oh God is she okay?"

"I don't know but we need to go and find out." I said. I prayed  she's okay If something happens to her I don't what I do.

"I'm coming with you." Eve said as we race out office to make sure Kara's okay.


Eve and me enter The DEO to find Alex and Sam waiting for us with a panic look on their faces. This must be serious this must be bad if Alex was afraid.

"Alex what happen?" I asked her.

"There was an alien attack down town Kara got there to fight it. when me and other agents got there. Kara and the alien were down." She told us as we walked down to the medical bay where Kara is.

"Are you saying-" I can't bare to say it.

"No thank God, it's like she's in some sort of deep sleep I tried to wake her but nothing works. We believe the alien has something to do with it. J'onn is interrogating him." Alex told us.

"And who are you?" Alex turned to Eve.

"This is Eve, a friend of mine." I told her.

"So you think this Alien has the power to put anyone into a deep sleep?" I asked as we enter the medical bay.

There was Kara in her Supersuit with out the cape laying on the bed with her blonde hair splayed across the pillow. I can tell she's still alive with her breathing so that's a good sign.


I turned around to see J'onn walking to us. He must have gotten something from alien on how to wake Kara up if not I'll give that alien hell for what he did to Kara.

"Did get anything?" I asked.


"How can we wake her up?" Alex said.

"Will it will be in Lena's hands." J'onn said looking at me.

"What can I do?" I asked willing to do anything to save Kara.

"Only a kiss from her true love can save her."

"Can you repeat that?" Blushing at what he said.

"This alien has the power to put anyone into a deep sleep by looking into their eyes. He told me that a kiss from her true love can wake her." He explained.

"Kinda like Sleeping Beauty." Sam said.

"Exactly." J'onn said.

"Save her Lena." Alex said desperately

I nodded and went over to Kara who looks peaceful in her sleep. I wonder what is she dreaming about. I rise my fingers to softly stroke  her cheek.

"Kara I don't know if you could hear me but I love you please come back to us." I said. I slowly lower my face to hers the I kissed her.

Then I parted my lips from hers to see her eyes still closed after a few seconds I thought it didn't work.

Then suddenly Kara's slowly open. I saw blue eyes looking at me I never felt happiness since our first kiss.

"Lena." She said softly.


Kara softly grab my cheeks and pulled me into a deep kiss. After  we broke our kiss Alex came up and hugged Kara

"Thank God you are okay."

"What happen? I was fighting this alien and then everything went black." Kara said confused

"The Alien looked you in the eyes and put you into a deep sleep." J'oon explained.

"How did I woke up?" Kara asked.

"Me, J'oon said only the kiss of  true love can wake you." I told her.

" Oh Rao like in Sleeping Beauty." Kara said smiling happily.

"Yes." I smiled as we embraced in a loving hugged. 

"I Love you Lena."

"I love you too my Sleeping Beauty." I swear I'll love her until the day I die.

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