Chapter 6 (Lena POV)

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"How do I look?" I asked Eve. I called her over to my penthouse to help to pick what to wear for my date with Kara I'm wearing a light red 3 piece suit with my hair tied back in a ponytail, I want to like nice for Kara  tonight. Ever since Kara told me she's Supergirl I fell more in love with her more and she loves me back. Can't you believe me a Luther going out with the woman she loves. I wonder what Kara will be wearing? maybe something pretty. Since I known Kara was supergirl I can't help but think of  her supersuit made her look sexy.

"You look wonderful Lena." Eve said smiling " To tell you the truth I always had a good feeling about Kara, she's so good for you.

"Thanks for saying that Eve." I said. Eve is good friend to me because she's the only person before Kara to see past my family name and got to know me both as a boss and friend.

"Well good luck on your date." Eve said hugging me.

"Thanks." I said. Then I Walked out the door. I exited my building to see my driver opening passenger door of my car I got in and stared for Kara's place. 


I knocked on Kara's when she open it and holy shit my mouth drop in shocked what I saw. Kara had on a  black sleeveless shirt and a grey pencil skirt.

 Kara had on a  black sleeveless shirt and a grey pencil skirt

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She smirked at my reaction. I'm not going to lie I'm having dirty thoughts right now but I know to clam down right before I do something that I regret.

"Like what you see Lena." Kara said.

"Kara I never knew you could dress like that." I said blushing.

"Well I had help from Alex. She wanted me to dress like something with eye candy." Kara said.

"In that case Alex did one hell of job. You look really sexy." I said.

"You look good you're self." Kara said smiling.

  "By the way what if the city needs Supergirl?" I asked.

"Don't worry Alex, J'onn or James will fill in for me." She explained.

"Wait James can fight?" I asked surprised.

"Yep. James is guardian. He's kinda like Batman. So I'm free tonight." Kara said happily.

"Well should we been going?" I said as I held out my hand for her to take. 

  "Ready when you are." She said as she took my hand. She maybe the girl of steel but her hand         is soft. I kissed her check.

  "Let's get going." I said as I lead Kara out of the door into the best night of our lives.


I took Kara to this fancy  Italian restaurant I always go to. She was impressed with it but worried when she saw the prices of the food on the menu.

"Lena this is too much you don't have spend this much money on me." She said.

"Don't worried this night is about us. One thing good about being a billionaire is not to worried about how much I spend. Also you did a lot of good for the city as Supergirl so I thought I should do the same thing for you." I told her.

"Okay only because you being so sweet." Kara said.

"Thanks." I said smiling.

I had some salad with Lasagna while Kara as always had potstickers stake. I'm guessing fighting crime and evil aliens makes her hungry.

"Oh Rao this stake tastes great." Kara said with a silly grin.

"Glade you like it." I said. I wonder what she will taste like I brush thought away when Kara saw I  was looking at her.

"Hey are you okay?" She asked.

"Kara I can't help but think about you. I want you so bad but I don't want to push you to hard." I said.

"It's okay, I want you too." She said softly.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Does this answer your question?"Kara said as came around the table to me and kissed me with so much hunger in it. She draw away.

"My place or your's?" I asked getting a little horny.

"Your place will be fine."Kara said with a soft smile.


"Nice building." Kara commented as we enter my building to the elevator to my penthouse,I look around to see we're alone that gives me an Idea a dirty one.

"Kara can I ask you to do something for me." I asked nicely.

"Sure what is it?" Kara asked.

"Take off your underwear." I smirked.

"What?!" She blushed.

"I said take off your underwear." I dared her.

 Kara slowly reach under her skirt and pulled her underwear down. I held my hand out and she give me her underwear. I shove it in my pants pocket and we got on the elevator. When she wasn't looking at me I got behind her and ran my hand up her skirt and squeezed her ass. She moaned and turns to me. She didn't say anything so I move my fingers into her center.

"Oh Rao." She moans.

"Try not to cum until we get we got to my penthouse. I said lustfully.

I kissed her neck as I pump my fingers in. she squeezed her hands into fists if she would to held on the rails she will break them. She had her eyes closed. When the elevator stops and with a loud moan Kara came on my fingers. Kara looked at me as I suck my fingers clean. she let lose her hair.

"You taste so good Kara." I grinned as I lick her earlobe

"Are you always a dirty girl?" Kara asked.

"only with you darling." I said smiling as we walked out the elevator into my penthouse.

"This place is great this is the best date I had." Kara said excitedly as we went into the bedroom she sat on the bed.

"Thank you but this night is fair from over." I told her. 

 I pulled her shirt off her.  She has a body of a goddess that is making me more horny I then pulled down her skirt leaving her completely naked. She took of her glasses and put them on the dresser. I took my cloths, bra and underwear off leaving me naked. I let lose my hair.

"Oh Lena you're so beautiful." Kara said.

"Why thank you but it's time for me to make you feel so good." I said to her

I pushed her down on the bed and I got on top of her. I kissed her the I moved to her body to her nipples. I kissed the right nipple then I suck the left. She squirmed under me. I flicked it with my tongue and she moans louder.

I moved down until I faced her vagina. I blew some air to her clit Then I put my three fingers in her and started to to pump in and out of her.

"Oh Lena please don't stop!" Kara yelled in pleasure.

I began to lick her clit Kara gripped the sheets as she had the loudest orgasm  I ever heard . she cummed over my mouth and my fingers. I bright my fingers to her lips.

"Taste yourself." I told her

She eagerly  reached up and put my fingers in her mouth and sucking them dry.  when she's licking my fingers it felt so good. We got under the covers the put our arms around each overs.

"I love you Lena." she said as she kissed my forehead.

"I love you too Kara." I said as we fell asleep.

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