Chapter 13 (Kara POV)

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Me and my soon to be wife were sitting on the couch having a Star Wars marathon. Yesterday we watched Titanic her favorite movie when I told mine was Star Wars she told me she never saw them. I was shocked that she never knew about them. So we are having a marathon So she could enjoyed them. There's a knock on the door.

I used my x-ray vision to see it was Alex and Sam. They  were here for the marathon I told them the door was unlock. They came in.

"Thanks for inviting us over." Sam said.

"You're welcome, when Lena told me she hasn't see a Star Wars movie I thought I could introduced her to the wonderful world of Star Wars."

"Yeah Kara is a massive fan of Star Wars." Alex laughed.

"By the way me and Lena has something to told you." I said excited about getting married to Lena. 

"What is it?" Alex asked.

Lena showed them the ring on her finger. When they it Alex and Sam got excited and hugged us.

Oh my God, you getting married." Sam said happily. 

"I knew you two are meant for each other." Alex told me.

"So when is the wedding?" Sam asked

"Me and Kara agreed that it will be on June." Lena smiled.

"That's great." Alex said.

"We what to get married at Midville in the back yard of Eliza's house." I told them. I want it be at the house of the woman who took me in when I landed on earth.

"That's a good Idea, I'll tell mom the news." Alex said.

"Oh I should call J'onn about it." I said when Alex's phone suddenly rings.

"  It's Winn." Alex said as she answers her phone.

"Hey Winn." Alex answer. Then Alex got concerned.

"Yes we're on are way." She hung up

"What is it?" I knew something bad is happening.

"There's a white martian terrorizing  downtown." Alex explained.

"Oh I'm sorry Lena I guess we watch Star Wars later." I said sadly as I got up and about to head for the door.

"Wait I'm coming with you." Lena told me.

"What?! No Lena it's too dangerous." I said. What is she thinking does she know could get hurt or worst.

"Kara when I put on the ring it was no longer about me or you, it's about us. We're be there for each other for good or bad." Lena said softly.

"But Lena you could hurt." Alex warned.

"Thanks about I have something that can help" Lena got up to left her sleeve to show a strange looking watch.

"What is that." I asked curiously.

"Something that I design  for battle." Lena pushed a button on the watch. Suddenly a blue and grey battle suit  materialize around Lena. I scream out at how cool Lena look.

"You look great!!!" smiling big.

"Thanks Kara." Lena said behind the helmet that made her voice sound deeper.

It looks like a lexosuit." Alex said.

"Yeah I I thought should redesigned it so I can used it for good."

"You did all this for me? I asked.

"Yes, I thought a Luthor should do some good for once."

"You are not Just a Luther. You a hero to me." I smiled.

"So come on let's kick some ass." Lena said.


I flew at the White Martian when it was about to fly away when I got close I punch it to the ground. It was about get back up to attack a little girl. But Lena got in front of and her raise her hand to fire a blast that sent it flying against a car knocking it out cold. I landed beside Lena.

"You did great." I smiled


I turned to see a woman running to the little girl and hugging her

"Thank God you're okay." she cried.

"Supergirl and her friend saved me." she told her mom

"Thanks for saving for saving her." The mom said.

"It wasn't me it was my partner." I refer to Lena.

"Thank you." She told Lena.

"You welcome." Lena said.

With Lena's battle suit jetboots we took of flying as the DEO vans arrive to detain the White Martian.

We flow back into our penthouse with Alex and Sam still on the couch waiting for us.

"How did it go." Alex asked.

"She did good, her suit is amazing." I smiled.

"Did Lena kick some ass?" Sam asked

"She did she also saved a little girl." I told them.

"That's good!" Alex said happy for Lena.

"You know for the first time I felt like a hero." Lena smiled.

"Well you are now." I kissed Lena on the check.

"How about we watch Star Wars." Alex said.

Lena and me were out of our suits she we can sit beside Alex and Sam and enjoy the Star Wars  marathon.

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