Chapter 7 (Kara POV)

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I woke up to see Lena asleep beside me, she looked peaceful. Last night was amazing I'll never forget the night we made love. Smiling I leaned down and kissed her. It woke her up.

"Morning." I said. 

Lena purred and pulled me closer.

"Morning baby." Lena said.

I close the gap between us and kiss Lena, before moving my lips down to her neck. Lena whimpered as I rolled us over until I was on top.

Last night Lena had full control in our lovemaking, now it's my turn. Smiling down at her I bent down to suck at the skin just above Lena's  collar bone.

"Kara..." Lena gasped as my lips covered her hard nipple and her back arch, pressing more of her body into mine.

Abandoning the prize my tongue had, I moved down Lena's body nipping lighting at the skin along the way. Lena's mouth open in a silent gasp as my tongue found Lena's clit.

She tasted so good that I can't get enough as I thrust into her body. Lena met my thrust as her body climbed higher and then crush over.

Kara!" Lena cried.

I eased her down and crawled up her body, snuggling into her as I saw her flushed and panting. 

"You're so amazing Kara." Lena said.

"It was my pleasure."I said smiling.

Just then we hear fire trucks from the distance. I guess duty calls I turn to face Lena. 

"I'm sorry Lena but I need to go." I said sadly.

"I get it, this is a job for Supergirl." Lena kissed my forehead.

" I dress into my supersuit and kissed Lena and then flew out of Lena's penthouse to save the day.


A school was on fire when I got there I used my x ray vision to see if anyone was inside. one girl was inside. I kicked the door down to save her I find her in a classroom. She saw me.

"Supergirl." She said.

"It's going to be okay hold on to me." I told her. she garbed on to me and we flew out the window. I put her down to fly over the burning school to put it out with my super breath.

everyone was cheering for me for putting out the fire then I saw the girl that I saved coming to hug to me.

"Thank you for saving me." she said.

"You're welcome." I said smiling that I got here in time.

"Ruby!" I hear yelling I turned around to see Alex and Sam running to us. So this is Sam's daughter.

"Thank God You're okay" Sam said as she hugged Ruby.

"Supergirl saved me." Ruby said smiling. 

"Thank you Kara." Sam said shocking me that she knows I'm Supergirl.

"It's okay Alex told me." Sam said.

"Well I'm glad that Ruby is safe." I said.

"Kara I hope it's all right I told her?" Alex asked.

"Hey as long she's with you I'm okay." I said her since Lena knows, I guessed that Sam has the right to know too.

"Thanks" she said as we hugged, when we pulled apart an idea came to me

"Let's have a movie night me tomorrow , you, Sam, Ruby and Lena ." I told them.

That's a great Idea what do you think?" Alex asked Sam.

"Sounds nice, me and Ruby will be there. Sam said as I fly to L-corp to asked Lena about movie night.


I landed on Lena's Balcony when she saw me she open the doors to let me into her office. 

"Alex called me that Ruby's school was on fire." Lena said worried.

"Yeah but I got her out and put the fire out." I said trying ti ease her worries.

"It's a good thing you got there in time." She said 

"Me and Alex are having a movie night at my place with Sam and Ruby, so I came here to ask you if you want to come over tonight?" I asked.

"I'll be happy to come" Lena smiled.

 she started kissing me It got me work up and it started  kissing her back. I moved me lips to her neck. I'm undoing her buttons on her blazer when office door opens.

"Ms Luthor you board meeting in 30 min---" Eve stood there blushing at what she saw.

My face went red in embarrassment but Lena look calming at Eve even when we have are arms warp around each other.

"Thanks for letting me know." Lena told her and she left and we let go of our arms.

"Maybe I should go so you can go to this meeting and in case if there's a Supergirl emergency." I said. 

Lena frowned.

"You want to leave all ready?" She asked.

I shook my head and I took a deep breath.

"You got me worked up If I don't go, you are going to be naked  and setting on your desk with my face between your legs." I said.

"Oh fuck."She groaned at the thought.

"Okay you got a point we could do this letter." She said.

I smiled was about to turn to leave when Lena came up to me and reach her hand out and slide her hand under my skirt and cup my center, I groaned.

"You tease." I moan.

Lena smirked and wiggle her fingers before moving them. She kissed both of my checks.

"You love me anyway." she smiled softly.

"Oh Rao I do ever." I said as I  flew out.

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