Chapter 14(Lena POV)

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"Help! someone please help me!" I yelled as I'm handcuffed to the bed. The door to the room open and Kara in her Supersuit came in

"Never fear Supergirl is here to save the day." Kara grin.

"Oh Supergirl thank goodness you're here." I smiled as Kara undid the handcuffs. Once I'm freed We embrace each over then I give her a kiss.

"My Hero."

"Glad to Help." Kara said as we let go I thought we could do a little role playing in the bed room to spice things up.

"Now I'll reward you for saving me." I smirked as I took off my nightgown leaving me in naked. That made Kara go wide eye.

"Great Rao." Kara blushed.

"Take off the suit and get on The bed I have something in store for you." I smiled predatory.

Kara took off her suit she wasn't wearing any underwear, God that turns me on. She laid in the bed. I then grab some handcuffs from under the bed. 

"Really Lena you know I can break free." Kara told me.

 But what Kara doesn't know is that they may look like  regular handcuffs but they are  not. As soon I turn handcuffed Kara the the bed posts I push a button on the handcuffs and read lights came on.

"Try to break them." 

Kara try to break the chains but she can't She look at me confused.

"These are red sun handcuffs that leaves you powerless." I grin lustfully as I got on top of her. I softly touched her blond hair.

"Now you're my prisoner." I purred in her ear.

Kara gulped and I begin kissing down her body, kissing and licking her breasts before moving down stopping to lick her belly button. I then moved to Kara's center. I give her clit a small lick. When Kara arched up I give it a kiss.

"Lena..." Kara moaned.

Running my tongue her clit a few times before I enter inside her. I heard her moan as I reach up to massage her thighs. Kara groaned and I felt her hand reach down push my head to her center.

Grinning I reach up and used one finger to enter Kara. Moving my mouth up, I take the  pulsing clit  and nursed it with my tongue.

It didn't take long before Kara was shaking in orgasm.

"Ugh, Lena..."

I slowed my thrusting and eased off Kara's clit. moving my tongue down I licked up all of her juices. When I was done, I crawled up Kara's body and Kissed her.

"Now that, Kara is how this Luther has conquered a Super." I smiled as I licked her earlobe.

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