Chapter 2 (Kara POV)

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I just land in front of a convenience store in a middle of a robbery when a guy with a gun holding a bug of money came out. I started to walking to him when he saw me he stared to shooting at me.

"Really, you do know it doesn't work on me." I told him as the bullets bounce of me. I went up to him took the gun out of his hand and left  him up by the collar of his shirt . 

"Holy shit!" The criminal said in shock.

I heard the police sirens coming this way. A woman came out of the store when she saw me she walked over to me.

"Thanks for saving us Supergirl." She said gratefully.

"It's no problem are there other people in the store?" I asked hoping no one was hurt.

"Yes, but they are okay." She said.

"That's good to know." I said smiling as I hand the guy over to the officers to be arrested. As i'm about take off one of the police officers turned to me.

"Thanks for the help Supergirl." The officer said.

"glad I can be some help." I said as I started to flying  heading towards The DEO to see Alex. for some reason I can't stop thinking about Lena.


"Well, you're in a happy mood today Kara." Alex said as I flow into DEO HQ landing down in front of her.

"Why do you say that ?" I asked surprised.

"You have the biggest smile on your face I hadn't seen since Clark came to visit." Alex said to me causing  me to blush.

"Well I did save a store from getting robbed without people getting hurt." I told her.

"Does this have anything to did with the Luthor woman?" Alex asked rising her eye brow.

"How did you know?!" I whisper trying not to be loud so no one in the DEO to hear.

"I called James to ask you if your're still up for sister's night, he told me you were interviewing Lena Luthor." Alex explained to me.

"Yeah, I can't say no to him. I'm a reporter after all." I said.

"What's she like?" Alex said interest.

"She's nice and not like her brother. She's wants to do good, She doesn't hate Superman or Supergirl." I said excited.

"That's good to know. Hopefully she's not like her mother." Alex said.

Lillian Luthor  went mad after Lex was sent to prison she blames Superman and all aliens for her son being lockup she almost killed me with gun with Kryptonite bullets thank Rao Alex came to save me. like her son She's also behind bars.

"Well, Clark did saved her from Lex so maybe she's not like Lillian." I said.

"Okay but anyway I need to tell you something. I met someone." Alex said in a happy whisper.

"Really that's great I'm so happy for you!" I said smiling happily for her.

"Sh.. Not so loud." Alex said quietly.

"Oh, sorry sorry. So who is this lucky girl." I said.

"Samantha Arias. She works as Lawyer I met her at a bar and we hit it off. She has daughter named Ruby, I was scared that she won't like me, but we started talked and well I was wrong she does like me." Alex said with a smile.

"That's good you deserved to be happy." I said. I'm glade that Alex has moved on from her ex girlfriend Maggie Sawyer a police detective. Alex thought she was the one for her but when Maggie told her she don't didn't want any children they broke up. Alex was so sad that I thought we should spend a day in Midvale together to help her move on from the break up. Now Alex maybe getting a second chance for happiness.

"I'll tell you the rest at your place tonight." Alex told me.

"Okay." I replied.

Spanking of Alex,  I wish I can say Lena again. I want her to know that not everyone doesn't judge her by her last name and maybe she could have a friend. Then idea came to me.

Lena may get a visit from Supergirl tomorrow.

I paired Alex with Sam because she wanted to be a mother and with Ruby she may have a chance. Also Sam is not a world killer, just a human.

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