Chapter 8 (Lena POV)

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I'm a little nervous because Kara's and Alex's mother is coming for a visit today. Alex and Sam are parking her up at the airport. I'm scared that she may hate me for my mother trying to kill her adopted daughter.

"Relax baby, she'll like you." Kara said as if she's reading my mind.

"I hope you're right." I said as she warped her arms around neck and softly kissed me.

"I told her good things about you. Eliza will be glade to meet you." Kara said trying to cheer me up.

"Okay, I can't to meet the woman who raised the love of my life." I said smiling  making her blush.

But it's true Kara is the love of my life. I just went to be with her forever so one day I'm going to marry her. But I'm going to take this slow be asking Kara to move in with me.

"What are you thinking about?" Kara said with love in her eyes.

"Oh I'm having some thoughts." I said

"I'll tell you after Eliza leaves they are dirty." I smirked.

"Oh." She said blushing red.

The door opens we turn around to see Alex, Sam, Ruby and an older woman walked in. I saw Kara runs over to the woman and hugged her.

"I'm so glade you here." Kara said excited.

"Me too." The lady said smiled.

"Eliza there's someone I want you to meet." Kara told her as they move towards me.

"This is Lena Luthor." She introduces me,

"Lena this Eliza Danvers." Kara said.

"Hello." I said as I hold my hand for Eliza to shake but to my surprise she pulled me into a hug. I felt nice Lillian never did that with me but Lex.

"You have been dating Kara for awhile and she told everything about you. So it's like you're a part of the family already Kinda like Sam." Eliza said.

"Thank you Ms Danvers." I said very happily.

"I'm just happy that Kara has a great woman like you." She said making blush.

"See I told you she'll like you. Kara said smiling like a little kid that makes her so cute. I turn around to kiss her.

"I love you." I said to her.

"I love you too baby." Kara said.

We had a great time, We watch movies and play games I'm started to feel like I'm a part of Kara's family. we had dinner Eliza thought Alex will make a great wife to Sam and a great mother to Ruby.

The next day Eliza had to go home. So Alex had to drive her to the airport before she left she turned to me.

"If you decide to marry Kara, I want you to know that you have my blessing." She said.

She went out the door. I was speechless Her adopted mother thinks I'm good for Kara. one day I will marry her. Kara came up behind me and warped her arms around me.

"Hey baby." Kara said as she kissed my neck.

I turned around and kissed her big time. I look into her blue eyes and I saw nothing love in them. I going to ask her



"Will you move in with me?" I asked.

"I was met with a pair of soft lips in a soft kiss after we parted are lips I saw the biggest smile on Kara's face.

"Holy Rao, yes I will move in with you Lena." Kara said with joy she pulled into a hug I smiled as I kiss her check.

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