Chapter 3 ( Lena POV)

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I was trying to get some work done in my office but I couldn't stop thinking about that blond reporter Kara Danvers. I didn't know what came over me when I kiss her hand she didn't look afraid when talking to me unlike the other reporters I met. her smile had me blushing when she left. I wish I can see her again, I want to talk her and get to know her. I may have a crush on that pretty girl. I got up from the chair to on the balcony to get some air.

But to my surprise Supergirl lands on the balcony I was stunned a Super wanted to see a Luthor ? I went out meet her when she saw me Supergirl smiled kindly at me.

"O-Oh my god Supergirl. I'm surprised to meet you in person." I  greeted her excitedly.

"Hello Lena is it all right if I call you Lena?" Supergirl asked.

"Not at all." I said smiling that she didn't called me  Miss Luthor. I gotta say she's beautiful as Kara.

"So to what I owned this honor ? I asked.

"Oh, I was flying around so I thought I'll stop by and say hello."

"That's nice of you." I said.

"Well, I thought since there's no crime or anything bad happening in the city I thought we should talk and get to know each other." Supergirl said.

"What is there to know? I come from a family who hates aliens. My brother destroy the sun in his insane plan to kill your cousin. anyone who see me will always see me as a Luthor." I sadly. Supergirl walked over to me and warp her arms around me in a hug.

"You're not like your family. Thanks to you Lex is behind bars where he can't hurt anyone anymore. So in a way you are a hero." She said softly.

I had tears in my eyes no one has ever said good thing to me before and it came from Supergirl of all people. I hugged her back.

"Thank you for saying that." 

"You're welcome." She said smiling. We slowly let go each over. Maybe a Luthor and a Super can be friends after all.

"Well, I met a girl yesterday." I told her.

"Really, who is she?" She asked.

"Kara Danvers." I said smiling thinking of her.

"That's great." She said with the biggest smile I ever seen. I wonder if she's like this when she's happy for someone.

I think she could be a great. " I told her.

"Yeah, she's a great person  she doesn't care if you're Luthor. She thinks you could be a friend too."Supergirl said.

"She does?" I said blushing.

"Yes, she also has a sister named Alex she works with me for a secret goverment agency." She explained.

"You mean the Department of Extranormal Operations." I said.

"How do you know?" She asked surpised.

"Lillian used to work with The DEO before she went crazy after she find out about Hank Henshaw  being an alien." I told her.

"That explains it." She said.

"Don't worry I won't tell anyone about it. I said.

"You know what we might be good friends." She said.

"That's good to know." I said smiling happily. 

"Well, I should go  You know in case Supergirl is needed." She said looking sad that she has to leave.

"Don't worry we will she each other again. Oh if you see this Alex tell her that Kara is welcome in my office anytime to see me." I said.

"Thank you I'll let her know." She said as took my hand and kissed it just like I did with Kara then she started to slowly to take to the air She wave goodbye to me and I waved back at her as she took off.


Ms Luthor, Kara's here to see you." Eve called me on my office phone.

"send her in please." I answered smiling that she's here.

Kara came in with two begs of fast food bags for us for lunch. I got out of my chair to meet her.

"Hello Kara,  wait a minute is that Big Belly Burger? Did I ever told you, you're my favorite person?" I said. 

"Call it a lucky guess." Kara said smiling as she give me my lunch. we spent all day enjoying our lunch and getting to know each other. she told me her favorite food are potstickers and pizza. I told her my favorite movie is titanic and her's is Star Wars. She's such a nerd but she's my pretty nerd. Wait what i'm I thinking.

"Earth Lena." Kara said smiling at me.

"I'm sorry, what were you saying." I said.

"I'm having game night at my place with my sister and my friends tomorrow night I was wondering if you what to come over?" Kara asked me.

I can't believe it someone just invited me to their home even if I'm a luthor, but Kara did. Not only I'm going to she her but also her sister who works with Supergirl. I wonder what her friends are like?

" I'll be glad to come over." I said smiling that I get to visited  her in her own home.

"Great!" She yelled excitedly then comes down blushing, God she's so cute.

"Game night is 6:00." She told.

"All right, It's date-- I mean I'll be there." I said blushing like crazy. What is going on with me? Can it be that I'm really  falling in love with Kara ?

This is the longest chapter I have ever done. Hope is't too much.

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