Epilogue(Lena POV)

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Well this is it,The last one. It took me months for me to finish. I had a great time with this. Supergirl maybe ending but with the fans Supercorp is forever.

Me and Kara have been married for three years. a year ago I was pregnant, Kara told me that The females on her planet can get females of different species on other planets. We were happy that we were having a baby and being parents. I given birth to a baby girl. We named her Astra after Kara's aunt.

I'm on the couch with Astra who has just falling asleep, I got up to put Astra in her crib. I went out of the nursery to see Kara  landed on the balcony and walked in.

"Hey." Kara smiled.

"Hey Kara." 

She came to me and raise her hands on my checks gently and kissed me, her kisses still have great effect on me.

"How was your run."

"It was the same, stopping a bank robbery and saving cats from trees."

"That's good." I said as we sit on the couch with me in Kara's arms.

"How's Astra?"

"I just put her in her crib."

"I can't still believe that we have a baby."

"I can, I have you as my wife and now we have a baby. It's all because of you. You,  Astra and Alex are my family."

"I will love you forever."

"I know." I smiled as I kissed her. 

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