Chapter 1 (Kara POV)

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I got off the elevator on my way to James's office, well it used to to be Cat Grant's before she left. She may have been a little shallow and a bit rude but she was like a role model to me both as a reporter and as Supergirl. before she left she put James in charge of Catco. When I enter the office he was sitting behind his desk.

"Hey Kara." James greeted me as he got out of his char to stand in front of me.

"Hey James. You wanted to see me?" I asked.

"Yes I need you interview a business woman who moved to National City." James told me.

"And who's this woman?" I asked.

"You know Lena Luthor?" 

"Hold on the sister of Lex Luthor, the some guy who's been trying to kill my cousin for years?"  I said suprised. I don't know much about the sister but I do know that Lex Luther is the most evil man ever to the walked the planet. He even went so for to try to destroy the sun. Thankfully he failed.

"Yeah, that Lena Luthor." he said trying to calm me down. 

I'm sorry for overreacting but I get a little work up if there's anything about Lex Luthor. I told him.

"That's understandable. Lena took over Luthorcorp and is trying to turn it around, that's why she's renaming  the company  L-corp." James said.

"Okay, but I'm a little nervous what if she's like her brother?" I asked.

" Well, I did thought of it at first, until she had enough evidence put him in prison for life." James  explain. I'm still having doubts but James is my friend so I can't say no to him.

"Okay I'll do it." I told him.

"Great. Remember give her chance." he said.

"Hopefully." I said as I left the office so I can do the interview The Luthor sister. I wonder what she's like?


I enter The towering L-Corp Building. I walked over to a blonde woman who I'm guessing is Lena's Secretary sitting behind her  desk. She looked up at me and smiled.

"Hi I'm Eve Teschmacher how may I help you?" She asked warmly.

"I'm is Kara Danvers from Catco, I'm here to interview Ms Lena Luthor." I said. Eve called Lena on her desk phone.

"Ms. Luthor there's a reporter from Catco who want's to see you." Eve said.

"Okay then." She said as she hang up the phone and smiled at me again.

"It's your lucky day she'll see you." She said and points to the elevator.

"Thank you" I said to her as I moved to the elevator. I got on and then went up. When the doors open I step off. I walked towards Lena's offices doors. Then I nervously knock on the door hoping she's not like Lex.

"Come in." said a woman in a business like tone.

I opened the door and and walked in. I stop dead in my tracks to met  a beautiful woman with black hair and green eyes dress in a suit. I kept looking in her green eyes they are green as Kryptonite. The woman looked worried.

"Are you okay?" The woman asked.

"Yeah I kinda spaced out I'm Kara Danvers." I said with a smile and raise my hand to shake hers.

"I'm Lena Luthor." Lena smiled back while shaking mine hand. I gotta  say her hand is warm and soft.

"Please take a sit." Lena said as she points to the chair in front of her desk. I my hands fumbling as I searched for my recorder for this interview I heard Lena give a small soft laugh that sent chills though me as I find my recorder.

"Relax, just take you time." Lena said softly. She's so nice that is nothing like Lex  maybe I'm wrong about her after all. I start the recorder.

"So miss Luthor-" I being to speak.

"Please call me Lena." She told me.

"All right, Lena what's you plan for your family's company since your brother is bars?" I asked.

"I'm hoping to turn the company into a force for good not evil like Lex that is why I'm renaming it L-corp to distance it from my brother and unlike him I believe Superman is a great hero ." Lena said. I was right she is nothing like Lex.

"I know it won't be easy for me but I'm going to try and I can only hope I can be better then Lex. Because of him I can't help but feel that people are scared of me because of my last name." She said sadly.

"Well, I'm talking to you and I don't believe you're not like your brother. I believe you can easily be better then him." I said honestly.

"Thank you for saying that miss Danvers." Said a smiling Lena.

"You can can me Kara." I said to her.

"Kara I like that." Lena replied. That made smile

"By the way what do think of Supergirl." I asked.

"She great, I hope I can meet her." Lena said.

"Maybe you can." I said will a small smile.

"So do you have any questions to ask?" She said.

"No I guess that's it for me." I said sadly.

"Well if we're lucky we may see each other  again." She said as she got around her desk to shake my hand then she kissed the top of my hand. that me blush.

"Goodbye." Lena smirked.

As soon I left her office I can't help but think of Lena how beautiful she is and see kissed my hand. I wonder if this is  like love at first sight felt look.

As I exited the building my super hearing caught the sounds of guns firing and screams for help. Sounds like this is the job for Supergirl. I superspeed to a alley I open my shirt to revealing The symbol of the House of EL.

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