70. Call

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Waking up, my mind feels lighter after clearing the air with Josephine but there's still a lingering ache in my chest.

Yesterday, after Josephine left, I worked out for three hours, trying to get rid of the weird feeling in my bones.

Josephine wouldn't let me breakup with her and I respect her decision. I would do whatever she wants.

After taking a shower and wearing my clothes, I go downstairs to the kitchen. My mama has prepared breakfast for Luca and Izzy.

Though I just want to go to Josephine's. This past week, I've locked myself in my room to keep me from going to her. It was the hardest thing I've had to do in my life.

I needed time to think, and I figured she needed it as well. But she was resolute about staying with me. And like the selfish piece of shit that I am, I didn't question her decision.

Izzy leads the conversation throughout breakfast, telling us what they did during their honeymoon. The not intimate details. Every time the conversation steered towards their sexy time in Italy, Luca would squeeze her thigh and she'd veer back to safe topics.

After noon, they head back to their home, giving me a tight hug. I help mama with the dishes.

"You've been awfully quiet today." Mama observes.

I give her a sheepish smile. "Sorry. Lots on my mind." It's the truth.

"Everything okay with Josie?"

I sigh. "I think so."

She abandons the pot she's scrubbing and turns to me. "Baby, whatever it is, I can tell you, it's all in your head."

Maybe that used to be the case. But for some reason, I have this strong urge to just run to Josephine and hug her. Be with her.

"You're right." I give mama my most genuine smile while we make mindless conversation as we finish cleaning.

Giving her a kiss on the cheek, I say bye to papa and head out to my truck.

Tapping my fingers on the steering wheel as I'm halfway to Josephine, my phone rings and my heart stops.

Sergeant Miller's name flashes on the screen.

The weird feelings, the heaviness in my gut, the urge to run full speed to be in Josephine's arms all make sense as I contemplate declining the call.

With a resigned sigh, I pull over and put the phone to my ear.

"Leo," Miller's voice is the last thing I want to hear. "Meet me as soon as possible. It's an emergency."


My mind races with a million thoughts. My heart beats at an unhealthy speed.

Mom. Dad. Luca. My family.




My thoughts linger on her.

She just told me she loves me yesterday. I told her I love her yesterday.

My family is used to my hectic schedule, and me being deployed at random and at unexpected times.

But this will be the first time they don't get to hug me goodbye. My mom won't make me a big dinner. She won't kiss my forehead and tells me how much she loves me.

My dad won't be able to tell me how much he's proud of me.

Luca won't be able to hug me tightly and pat me on the head. Like a big brother would do to his little brother.

Nicole, Mateo, Antonio, Isabella, Carina. They're not going to kiss me and hug me goodbye.

This—This is the exact reason why every time I see them and every time I leave them, even if I'm going home to sleep, they hug me as tightly as possible.


She's never had to tell me goodbye.

I have never had to tell her goodbye yet.

I knew this day would come. But not like this. I thought we'd have a few days with each other before I had to leave.

My face crunches as I curse myself for staying an entire week away from her. We could've had this time together before I got the cursed call from Miller.

They need me for an emergency mission. Something about a wanted person being spotted and they need to take him out. Apparently, I'm the only sniper in the entire world who's fit for this mission. I don't want to go. I want to stay here. Go to Josephine and kiss her and apologize again for avoiding her this past week.

But I fucking can't.

Miller gave me five minutes to call whoever I needed to call before they put me on a plane and fly me to a country I didn't catch as he told me about this mission. All I could think about was my family and Josephine.


My fingers shake as I enter the passcode to my phone.

My thumb shakes even more as it hovers over Luca and Josephine's name on my favorite contact list.

Their names are under each other.

I'm only allowed one phone call. Just five minutes and I've already wasted three of them just thinking about whom to call and deliver this news.

So even if I wanted to, I can't call them both.

Flashes of her pretty wide smile, her crunching her nose at me when I tell her a corny joke. Her teeth biting down on her lip. Pictures of her flash through my mind like a presentation.

I try to not imagine her, how she'll look when she finds out. How tears will glide down her cheeks. How heartbroken she'll be.,

I blink and a tear lands on my phone screen as I make the toughest decision I've ever made...

Then I press on Luca's name.

• ••• •



What do you think of this chapter? How will Josephine react? How did you react?

Please don't hate me after you read the next few chapters :)

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