It feels like Leo never left. We've picked up right where we left off.
After we fell into a deep slumber after our emotional love making, the sun rays woke us up. It's a new day.
Apparently, we spent two days locked up together. Neither of us had a sense of time.
I had work yesterday, but I was so consumed by Leo that I forgot to even call in to let them know I wasn't coming.
But when I did this morning, my boss let me know that when Leo was on his way here, Nicole called and told them I probably wasn't going to show up for a few days.
I love her the more for it.
For a person who doesn't like to show sentiments, she sure shows it in her actions.
Turning off the light in the bathroom, I enter our bedroom to see Leo sitting on the edge of the bed. Bare except for his tight boxer briefs.
He raises his face to me and gives me a big grin, extending his legs so I can stand between them.
"Good morning." I ruffle his already messy hair. It needs a cut. A proper one that's done by a professional.
"Good morning, honey." He nuzzles my stomach and I have to lock my knees so I don't melt at the endearment.
I've missed him calling me that.
"What do you wanna do today?" I think we should take a walk outside, get some fresh air. We've been cooped up here for more than two days.
I'm sure he wants to spend more time with his family.
"I have an appointment with sergeant Miller." He mumbles against my stomach.
My fingers tighten their hold on his hair.
Last time he went to see him, he came back nine months later.
I'm not ready for him to leave again.
My thoughts are too loud, apparently, as he lifts his face and gives me a reassuring smile.
"I need to sign some paperwork, but I'm coming back." His voice is so believable, but there's still that one percent chance he won't come back after that meeting. "Trust me."
We eat breakfast in silence. Then he gets ready for his dreadful appointment. He wears his uniform and I shouldn't think so but I hate seeing him in it. I used to think it was cool, badass and sexy as hell when he wore his uniform, but now I hate the sight of it.
He cups my cheeks and gives them a peck before looking me straight in the eyes. "I'm coming back. Are we clear?" He uses the words I used on him earlier.
He kisses my forehead before closing the door behind him.
Three hours.
That's how long he's been away.
He should be back by now. Right?
But what's taking so long? He said it's a routine meeting, and he only had to put his signature on a few forms.
I start pacing the living room, biting on my thumb.
Should I call his mother? Father? Brother? Nicole? I'm starting to lose my mind.
They'd be the first to know if something happens and they'll let me know as soon as possible.
I should calm down. All the techniques I use on my patients to get them to calm their nerves vanish from my memory.
I pour myself a glass of water. Water should help, right? Water is the solution for everything.
My hand is shaking so badly, I have to put the glass down.
Fuck this. I'm calling everyone I know to figure out what's taking so long.
The lock turns, and Leo enters.
I sigh in relief and try to relax my muscles. He doesn't need to see me almost having a breakdown.
"Hi." He gives me a sheepish look, his eyes taking in how tense I am standing in the kitchen.
"Hi." My voice is scratchy. I should've had that damn glass of water.
"Told you I'd be back." He grabs my waist and hoists me to the counter so we're eye to eye.
"What took so long?" This time I can't hide the tremor in my tone.
His face crumbles, and he cups my face.
"Josephine," he searches for words to say. "I'm sorry for making you worry. I should've taken you with me." He mumbles the last part.
I trusted he was coming back. But I didn't trust the outside world. He would always fight to come back to me, but the circumstances won't always cooperate.
"It's fine." I say.
"No, it's not." He shakes his head. "It took so long because I'm never seeing him again." He chuckles darkly. "He's a great man, but I hope to never see him again."
I clutch his waist and pull him closer to me, my legs wrapping around him.
"I'm not enlisting again, Josephine."
His words are like a satin pillow beneath my head. Like a sip of water after a hot day.
"I'm not going anywhere." He tells me, knowing I need a lot of confirmation right now as it's still kicking in.
"You're not?"
He smiles, kissing my nose. "Nope. I'll be glued to your hip for the rest of our lives."
I rest my forehead on his chest for a second, taking all this in.
He's staying. For certain this time. One hundred percent.
Meeting his eyes again, I smile as I ask him. "Are we using Gorilla Super Glue or e6000?"

Purposefully Coincidental ✓
Romance••Complete•• ||Monaro Family: book 3|| •Leo• I've been in the army since I turned 18. I'm now 24. Being a soldier is all I know. Currently, I'm home after I got injured on duty. And I'm slightly dreading going back. I need a break. I need to get...