37. Glowing

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"I'll check on you after dinner." I pat my patient's leg under the blanket. She's a sweet ten-year-old girl who came here with a stomach ache that turned out to be a virus. Her mother gives me a smile before I close the door to their room.

Checking the time on my watch, I sigh in relief to see it's time to take my break. But that also means I still have around six more hours until I can return home.

As I'm walking to the break room, someone snatches my arm and I'm pulled to the side and into the janitor's closet.

My heart goes wild as I think Leo came here to surprise me, but I don't smell his scent.

"Josie," Ananya's voice sounds relieved. "I've been searching everywhere for you."

The low lighting in the closet takes a moment to get used to.

Her face is tired, and there are faint dark circles under her eyes.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Long shift." She dismisses. "But I'm free in two hours." She smiles at me, then leans against the wall.

"So, why were you looking for me?" I mirror her posture and lean against the wall.

"Tim has been dropping hints left and right the entire day!" Her eyes are saucers.

"Tim, as in the gynecologist?"

"Yes." She nods. "He's been flirting with me ever since he transferred here. Six months ago. And lately he's been getting bolder with his remarks."


"And I know he's going to ask me out very soon."

"And that's bad why?"

She gives me a look. "Because I don't date doctors."

Now it's my turn to give her a look. "But Tim is young, handsome and, as you said, flirty. So why not?"

"I want to marry someone who has a normal job, like a teacher or something."

I hum and think of something to say. "But you know life doesn't always work the way you want. So give it a chance. You never know, maybe he's the love of your life."

"Maybe..." she whispers and glances at me intently. "Why are you smiling?"

"I'm not smiling." My fingers touch my lips and yes, I am smiling.

Talking about 'the love of your life' got me thinking of a certain someone who didn't want me to go to work just so we can spend more time together.

"You're literally glowing." She coos. "Tell me who's the reason."

"Leo." I don't hesitate to say.

She softly squeals. "I knew it."

I roll my eyes before explaining. "He kissed me like two weeks ago."

"Just one time?" She inches closer to me.

"No." I shake my head and feel my lips stretching in a wider grin. "We've been making out ever since then. Every time we see each other."

Her hands grip my shoulders and she shakes me excitedly. "That's amazing."

"You're gonna dislocate my shoulder." I laugh.

"And you've only just kissed?"

"Yeah." At her intense eyes, I say, "And there was some fondling as well."

"I'm so excited for you." She jumps as she claps. "And you haven't...?" She raises her eyebrows.

My cheeks turn red at the thought, and I shake my head. "I like the pace we're going at."

"You're already glowing, but imagine how much more radiant you're going to look after you actually do it." She hugs me.

"He's really great." I say in her hair.

She leans back and peers at me. "As long as he makes you happy, I'm happy."

"I am." I confirm.

"So, are you like dating?"

"Yes." We didn't have the talk but we are dating.

We hug again and squeal together before I tell her she can't just hide from a certain doctor and that I need to have my break.

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