38. Walking

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It's already almost my birthday.

Two months have flown by so quick yet so slow with Leo.

I've been cherishing every single second with him.

Every glance, touch, kiss...

Most times we spend it at my place just doing nothing, or cooking, or watching a movie...

But we also spend a great time making out and getting to know each other better in both a physical and emotional sense.

Each time I open my door, he enters my apartment, frames my face and we look at each other for a few seconds before we maul each other's faces.

We never go further than just making out and I'm not sad about it. It's like we're both teasing each other with kisses and touches, daring the other to take the plunge into the next step, but neither of us really does. We're both enjoying this phase we're in.

My brothers have somehow been texting me before they come over. They don't ask for permission, though, they just let me know. But at least it's better than nothing, so I'm taking what I can get.

And I've picked up the habit of locking my door when I'm at home, so I'm not surprised anymore. Roman still pretends this is his place and comes whenever he likes. But he knows when I'm at work and he only comes over when there's no one home.

I don't mind one bit.

Tomorrow is my birthday but I have to work, so Leo told me he wants to spend this morning with me as in the evening, I'm spending time with my family.

Someone knocks on my door, and I know it's Leo.

"You can just come in, you know." I tell him when I open the door to let him in. "You still have a spare key from last time."

"I know." He approaches me and cups my jaw. "But what if you were naked?"

I smile. I always say that to my brothers when they just enter my apartment.

"Would that be so bad?" I fire back.

He hums, his eyes glinting as he lowers his face to mine and kisses me.

My arms wrap around his waist and I raise to my tip toes for better advantage.

A soft sigh leaves my lips at the way his body feels against mine. We fit together so well, even though we're not nearly the same height.

His arms tighten around me, and my toes lose their contact with the ground as he lifts me.

"Are you done getting ready?" He barely pulls away to ask.

"I was waiting till you get here so I can apply lipstick." I kiss his cheek.

He sets me on the ground, grabs my arms so they wrap around his neck instead of his waist.

"Good, because I would've smeared it all over your face." His fingers give my ass a squeeze and I giggle.

Suddenly, he hoists me by the back of my thighs and I instinctively wrap my legs around his hips.

"Where's your purse?" He's already walking to my bedroom.

"I have legs." I chuckle as I leave soft kisses on his face.

"You do?" He snatches my purse. "Is your lipstick in here?"

"It is. I'll put it on in the car."

He resumes walking outside my room and locks my front door with me in his arms.

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