36. Stay

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"Don't go, please." I plead with Josephine as she braids her hair.

She's getting ready to go to work while I'm sitting in her bed with a pout.

Last night she told me she starts work at two. So I told her I'll be at her place in the morning.

I've been here since nine. We made some cookies together, ate breakfast and made out a little.

The last part was my favorite.

Now she already has her scrubs on and she stands up and nears me to stand between my parted legs. I trail my hands up the back of her legs and pull her even closer, resting my head on her stomach.

"I haven't seen you in a week." I tell her.

"It was only four days." She corrects. "And we spent the entire morning together."

"Still." I rest my chin on her stomach and look at her with soft eyes, hoping she'll agree to stay.

Her hands smooth over my hair before resting on my shoulders.

"I'll be seeing you on Wednesday as well."

"But that's two days from now."

She laughs and pulls my face away from her stomach.

"I need to go to work." She runs her thumb over my jaw.

"Just don't go." I say again, acting like a child.

"I can't just not go to work."

"Yeah, you can."



"Let go of me." She contradicts her words when she wraps her arms around me and gives me a kiss.

I take her being distracted to my advantage and lean on my back and take her with me.

She yelps as she lands on top of me. She laughs as she tries to get away, but I keep her there, laying on me.

"You're making me late." She giggles as I tickle her. "Stop!"

"You stop."

"I'm not doing anything." She shrieks as I tickle her some more.

I stop eventually and we both catch our breath while she rests her head on my chest.

"You can always quit, you know." I tell her.

She raises on her elbows and gives me a look. "I need to pay rent. And I like my job. It has a good insurance policy."

"I'll pay the rent for you." I smooth a palm over her back.

"I'm a feminist. I'm not gonna let a man pay my rent."

"Then we can live together." I propose.

She laughs. "Where?"

I hmm. "At my parents'."

She lets out a cackle as she hits my chest. "No!"

"Why not?" I graze her cheek with my knuckles. "This way you don't have to work and we can spend more time together."

"So what? We're both jobless, living with your parents so we can spend every second of every day together?" She questions.


"Do you really want to be glued to me at all times?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Well..." I think about it and honestly, the answer is no. "Not really."

"Me neither. No offense." She smiles. "I like my alone time."

"Me, too." I would've gone crazy a long time ago if I didn't get my alone time, as she called it.

I tap her bum. "Okay, then. You should leave before I change my mind."

She stands up and grabs her bag. "You'll lock up?" She asks me.

"Sure." I make a come hither motion, then point at my lips.

"Idiot." She laughs before dipping down and giving me a peck. "See you on Wednesday." She sings and exits her room.

I sigh, then lean back on her bed. My cheeks strain with my grin.

My feelings for her keep on getting stronger.

Before I stand up, I adjust the hard-on she left me with.

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