45. Brazilian

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"It doesn't hurt that much, actually." Luca says to Antonio as they enter my uncle's living room.

Mateo is helping his parents set up the table. When I asked if there was anything I could do, they both shooed me away and told me to sit my ass down. Before I could insist, Nicole yanked me down to sit next to her as she chatted my ear away.

"There are other alternatives," Antonio shrugs.

"Yeah, but it feels much better." Luca says. "Plus, it lasts longer. And Bella likes it much better."

They sit down at the same time. Nicole scrunches up her face as she asks them, "Are you talking about anal?"

They whip their faces to us. "No." Luca laughs and widens his legs so Izzy can sit on his lap. They share a quick kiss.

"He's talking about men's Brazilian wax." Izzy explains.

"That exist?" Carina asks.

"Of course it does." Luca says. "Not only women get waxed."

"How does that go?" I ask, a little confused.

"Google it." Tony tells me like I'm dumb.

"They literally wax everything." Izzy answers my question, giving him the middle finger in my stead.

"Even your..."

"Yes." Luca and Izzy say at the same time, then laugh.

"It feels smoother than shaving and lasts longer," Izzy tells us. "Plus, it's so much better when I ..." She pushes her tongue against the inside of her cheek just as my mama sits down.

She's gotten used to Izzy's lack of filter.

"I'm making you an appointment." Carina yells at her husband.

"For what?" He shouts back, transferring salad into multiple bowls for around the table,

"Brazilian wax."

He looks horrified. "Babe, that's painful." He whines.

"I have to go through that pain every month. The least you can do is bare a little pinch." She glances at him. "I gave birth twice. Don't be a baby."

"Fine." He huffs, then mumbles back, "I'm free on Wednesday."

"Good boy." She whispers as she clicks away on her phone.

Mateo looks like he wants to fuck his wife seven ways to heaven. He has never appeared this turned on around us.

Carina's cheeks redden, and she gives him a sheepish smile.

"Good thing I had laser hair removal." Sara says, contributing to the conversation. My aunt nods in agreement.

"You mean, 'good thing I listened to my best friend Isabella?'" Izzy smiles at her.

"Thank you so much for forcing me, babe." Sara blows her a kiss.

"Do men also get laser hair removal on their groins?" I question.

I try to keep myself groomed as much as possible for hygiene purposes and since I'm surrounded by women; I want to know what they prefer for when Josephine and I eventually have sex.

"No." Nicole scoffs. "Most men I've had sex with were gorilla's son." She shudders.

My mother answers my question. "They get it done in other places like their backs. Body hair is considered 'manly' for them, so they won't opt for a permanent removal."

"Huh." I nod.


After getting our bellies full with delicious food and desserts, all the kids are required to clean up. And by kids I mean me, Luca and my cousins.

Their partners could sit this one out.

"I see a spot right there." Izzy gestures to a spotless spot on the table I'm wiping.

"There's a spot on your chin." I counter.

She gasps and covers her chin with her hand. "You're a spot."

"Love you, too." I give her a smirk.

When everything is clean and spotless, we start to trickle out to head home.

Luca is using the bathroom when I approach Izzy.

"Can I ask you a question?"

She's leaning on the kitchen island, her phone in her hand.

"You don't have a spot on your forehead." She grins.

I flick her ear. "Thanks for letting me know." I glance around me to make sure no one is in earshot. "So me and Josephine haven't had sex yet."

Her eyebrows raise, but she stays silent.

"She's a virgin." I'm confident she won't be telling every last family member this. Izzy has never been the kinda girl to gossip and reveal one's secrets.

She nods, catching on what I want to ask and gives me her full attention.

"I want to know how I should go about this. Should we plan a date or just do it whenever..."

"Well, every woman is different. You should do whatever you think she'd want. If she's a planner and likes to be prepared for everything, then setting a date would soothe her nerves. Or if she's reckless, then do it when the time feels right."

"Okay..." I trail off.

"But try to make it special in some way. I don't mean roses and candles—only if you both would like that. But maybe take her out on a date first. Or have a movie night together." She raises her finger. "And foreplay is very, very important. Not only her first time, but it would get her in the mood and calm some nerves she might have."

"Right." I put my hands in my pockets. "And should I wax, or is just shaving enough?"

She chuckles. "Just because I prefer my man waxed, doesn't mean she would. But a little grooming is appreciated."

"Alright. Thank you." I usually go to Nicole for all my life's questions, but she can't keep a secret to save her life. Leaning down, I peck her cheek. "I appreciate it."

"Of course." She pats my arm as Luca enters the kitchen.

He glances between us. "What were you talking about?"

"The best way to hide a body." Izzy laughs evilly. "Your body."

When he's in front of her, he pinches her chin to lift her face up and kisses her deeply; her cackle only pushing him to hug her more tightly.

I walk away and leave them to make out as I pull out my phone to make an appointment. I'm getting a Brazilian.

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