65. Thrusts

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I put the key in its slot. It clicks open immediately. Josie isn't supposed to be home for another hour.

The sight I see is the last one I've expected and the last I want to see.

Roman is sitting on the couch, the top few buttons of his shirt undone. Next to him sits a girl, more like she's sitting halfway in his lap. They're fully making out and only when I close the door—banging it extra hard—do they abruptly break away from each other.

"I didn't know someone was joining us," the girl says, eyeing me up and down. "But I don't mind."

"What are you doing here?" Roman asks me.

"I could ask you the same question." I try not to glare too much as I take off my shoes.

He stands up, making the girl sit back on the couch. She doesn't even attempt to cover her underwear and I keep my eyes on Roman. He crosses his arms across his chest, trying to appear bigger.

"Since when do you have a key?" He asks. I want to roll my eyes. Josie and I have been dating for several months. And we've been close friends long before that even. Yet he still thinks we're not serious.

"Since when do you use your key to bring random girls to your little sister's apartment to screw?" I fire back, keeping my eyes on his. In my peripheral, I notice the girl standing up and hesitantly looking between us, sensing the hostility.

"So, this is not your place?" She accuses.

Forever the gentleman, he ignores her and asks, "Josie isn't supposed to be here until six."

So he thought he'd fuck this girl in the spare hour he had? Classy.

"We're having friends over." I explain as I go to the fridge to make sure we have enough beer to last the night. "I came here to tidy up a little."

He glares at me. Nothing new there. I look at the girl. She has blond hair and is almost the same height as Roman. "Do you need me to call you an Uber?" I ask her.

She shakes her head. "No, thank you. I came with my own car." She grabs her purse and exits the apartment wordlessly. I leave Roman standing there, glaring, and go inside the bathroom. Grabbing a cloth and some disinfecting spray, I reenter the living room.

"What are you doing?" He asks as I spray the leather couch where he and the girl were sitting.

"Disinfecting." I tell him.

"We didn't do anything." He defends. In a lower voice, but not too low so I can still hear him, he says, "no thanks to you."

I ignore him. That's the best I can do with him at this point. And thanks to being in the army and having men scream at me all day, I can hold my tongue. And my eye rolls.

I'm wiping the back of the couch when the keys turn. Please don't let it be another one of her brothers and a random girl. Is this a recurring thing that Roman—and for all I know the rest of her brothers—do? Pretend that this is their apartment, bring over girl and having sex with them while Josephine is none the wiser?

The door slowly opens, and the most beautiful face on the planet greets me. I can't help but grin at how cute Josephine looks with her low ponytail and long bangs framing her face. How her leggings frame her sexy legs.

"Oh, hey." She says, taking off her shoes. Which reminds me that neither Roman nor his girlfriend took off their shoes. "Are you joining us for game night?" She asks him, putting down her work bag on the floor.

"No. I was close by and decided to drop by." He answers in a grumbling tone.

She nods and faces me, softly frowning at the cleaning supplies I have in hand. "I spilled some coke."

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