9. Seventy

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"Mama," I call out from the kitchen. "It's boiling. Should I turn off the stove?"


I do that, then close the lid on top of the pan. Candice walks into the kitchen then, carrying a tray of empty glasses. I look amused at her.

"Well, well," I say.

"Shut up."

She claims that she's too good for 'housewife' duties and she always complains she's going to break one of her expensive acrylic nails if she so as much as touches a duster.

"Your mom is very persistent." She says in explanation.

"That she is." I lean in to whisper to her, "she's always trying to set me up with someone."

Her eyes widen. "Girl, me, too. I'm thinking of telling her I'm gay or something." We both laugh as Ananya walks in.

"What's so funny?"

"Joe." Candy says, using her resting bitch face to her advantage not to burst out laughing.

"Who's Joe?" Ananya, my sweet friend, has no idea what she walked herself into.

"Joe mama." Candy and I snigger at her lame joke and Anya slings her in the shoulder, but she smiles nonetheless.

"No, but seriously." She glances behind her shoulder, making sure none of my brothers or the rest can hear. "I wouldn't mind if she sets me up with your brother, Marco."

"Eeew." I cringe. "Please don't put this idea in her head."

"I can see it." Anya says.

"Thank you." She blows her a kiss, then looks back at me. "I don't even think we're compatible at all." Before the breath of relief leaves my lips, she continues talking. "But that's what will make us so good together in bed." She wags her brows.

I put my palm against her mouth. I don't need that image in my head.

My mama chooses that moment to enter the kitchen, but she goes straight to the pan I was stirring to check on it, so I don't think she heard the suggestion Candy made. My mama loves my friends and she wouldn't mind making them the wives of her sons.

"Need any more help?" I ask mama. She shakes her head and urges us to go sit outside with the rest.

My mama has invited my friends and a few of my brothers'. She said it's been long since we've all sat down together for a meal. Mother likes to take her time and get to know our friends well and sometimes I worry they're going to like mama more than me.

In the backyard, all I see is boys, boys, boys. Literally. My five brothers. George, who's the oldest, has his twin kids perched on either knees and his wife Emily beside him is talking to Jessica. Then Marco, who's 28, is sitting between two of his guy friends with a beer in hand. Roman and Milan, who are both 26 because they're twins, are chatting with Carter. Then there's my youngest brother, who's still two years older than me. Julian and his best friend are in a conversation with our father.

All of us are around two years apart in age, starting from thirty to me, twenty-two. Almost twenty-three, though. In like six months.

We three girls sit on the empty lounge chairs after grabbing a drink. We talk about planning another trip soon, but with our schedules, it will be a little difficult to coordinate. It was pure luck last time.

After a while, I notice Carter standing up and coming near us. Candy not so subtly nudges me. I shoot her the side eye because I don't want her brother to get the wrong idea. I don't like Car in a romantic way. And if I did, I think I would've already made a move.

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