76. Apology

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Toweling off my hair, I braid the ends so they dry in a natural wavy way. I haven't cut my hair since Leo left. There isn't a particular reason. Or maybe it's because I haven't been taking very good care of myself.

It's now mid-April.

So that means I haven't cut my hair in about nine months.

That means I haven't seen the love of my life in nine months.

Staring at my reflection in the mirror, I can see my cheeks have regained some of the weight I lost in that period of time.

Ever since Christmas at Leo's parents', I've tried my hardest to keep positive and stay hopeful. Seeing his family just carry on as if nothing happened gave me hope he is coming back and I shouldn't be so negative.

Today I didn't have work, and I spent it at my parents'. Walking to my kitchen, I throw a popcorn bag in the microwave so it's finished when I have a movie picked.

I have a random movie picked just as the microwave beeps, telling me my snack is ready.

As I'm walking there, the doorbell rings.

My heart skips a beat and I force myself to walk to the door and not sprint every time it rings and I think it's Leo on the other side.

Opening it, I'm greeted with the last person I wanna see.

"Hey, Jojo." Roman greets, his hands in his pockets.

This is the first time I've seen him since he came to give me unsolicited advice and to tell me 'I told you so.' Before I kicked him out.

One time, two months after that, I went to my parents' and saw his car parked. I drove straight back to my apartment. I wasn't ready to face him.

He hasn't tried to text, call or even see me since then. And neither have I.

All the hatred I had for him vanished because it's not all his fault Leo and I spent a week apart before he left. It's my fault for not forcing my boyfriend to communicate his feelings and thoughts with me instead of bottling it.

"Roman." I clear my throat. "Come in."

He seems surprised by my request but schools his features quickly.

He doesn't stray far from the front door. Instead, awkwardly shuffles on his feet.

"I came to apologize." He tells me. "It's long overdue at this point." He mumbles more to himself than me.

I stay silent.

"I'm sorry." He begins, his eyes focused on me. "I had no right whatsoever to tell you to break up with him just because he's military. I convinced myself I was protecting you, but I was stupid and wrongly entitled to think I had a say in your love life." Inhaling a deep breath, he scratches his head, now a buzz cut, as he thinks of more stuff to say.

And he does. "Leo is actually a good guy. A great guy, even. And for some reason, even unknown to me, it took a long time and with a lot of mama's help for me to see that."

I absorb all he said, keeping silent.

"So again. I'm deeply sorry for every rude comment I made."


"I'm not done." He laughs awkwardly. "The second part of my apology is not giving you your deserved privacy. It wasn't fair of me to come into your home whenever I felt like it without letting you know. Or even forcing you to change your plans so I can watch a game on the TV."

This time I'm actually stunned silent. Roman has never apologized in his life and now he's saying sorry? A lot of times? For different reasons? This is the same Roman I know?

"A big part of you moving out was so you can have privacy and I completely ruined that for you. Especially after you got together with Leo."

He procures something from his back pocket and extends it to me.

"You should take this back. From now on, I'll text in advance and knock like a normal human being before coming here."

It's the key to my apartment. The one I gave him when I first moved here.

I've thought about changing the locks a few times, but I never got the guts to do it.

"You don't have to do that." I shake my head.

"Take it, please. It'll make me feel better." He smiles sheepishly. I decide to take it because honestly, right now, my trust in Roman isn't where it used to be and he's bound to go back to his old ways once I forgive him.

"Thanks." I say weakly and put it in the bowl on the table. "Do you wanna watch a movie with me? There's popcorn."

"I'd love that." His smile is full of relief. And I watch in disbelief as he takes off his shoes before walking to the couch. "So, uhm, should I ask how you've been?"

"No." I answer truthfully. I've been talking enough about my feelings to my therapist slash counselor.


I put the popcorn bowl between us and start the film.

After ten minutes he speaks. "I got a promotion at work."

"Really? That's great." I grin because no matter what, I still love my brother dearly and want him to succeed.

"Yeah, nothing fancy. But now I get to oversee everyone at the construction site."

"Like a manager?" I ask.

"Kinda." He scratches his stubble, glancing at me. "I now have my own studio."

"Finally?" I laugh and he chuckles as well.

"I'm twenty seven and still live with my parents. It was getting embarrassing."

"I bet." I chuckle. "Since when do you have it?"

"A month."

He adjusts his position, eating a handful of popcorn before clearing his throat. "And I'm uhm,"

Lowering the volume of the movie, I give him my full attention.

"I'm seeing someone."

"You are?" I gasp.

"It's not serious at this point." He admits.

"But you want it to be?" I guess.

"I think." He looks at a point behind my shoulder. "We met at a mutual friend's birthday party a few months ago and we've been hanging out since."

His eye focus on me, a look flashing in them. Another apology.

He got a promotion. His own place and a maybe-girlfriend. And I'm just hearing about it.

We're both to blame for our lack of communication, but at least we reconciled now.

"What's her name?" I ask, grinning and showing him it's okay.

Before he gets the chance to answer, a knock sounds at the door.

I frown. I'm not expecting anyone.

Pulling the door open, my breath catches in my throat because wishes do come true.

And the person I've been wishing for for the last nine months is finally standing here.

• ••• •


So, Roman finally apologized aaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnddd who do we think knocked? 👀

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