7. Krist Perawat / Kit

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Singto and New entered the small but classy elegant restaurant. They stood in surprise to see only a few people there. They had this vision of a big party with lots of people around them, but looking at the number of people they both thought they came early.

It is only Kit's family and Singto's family with two boys, one is a tall guy and next to him is a sweet short boy.

When New noticed the tall guy he got more surprised. He stood there looking around to see someone.

Singto - "who are you looking for?"

New just blurted out - "Tay" and then he realises Singto's surprise look on him.

New explained to him - "The tall guy over there with your family is Off, Tay's best friend. "

Singto - "When? I mean how did you? are you meeting him outside without my knowledge?"

New - "No, he is the person who called every evening to Tay. Once they were having a video call and I happened to be there that time so he introduced me to him."

Someone called them, then they noticed it was aunt Nan. She came and hugged Singto and he hugs her back.

Aunt - "Ohh my my, dear you grew up pretty handsome. I must say seeing you after all this year it's like looking at another Sing. "

Singto - "Thank you, aunt Nan, how you been?"

Aunt - "Ohh...I am great dear and (looking at New) you must be Newwiee, right? "

She moved to new and hugged him too.

They moved to the table where everyone already settled down.

Aunt - "Thank you for coming, I know you both must be very busy. But trust me Kit will be very happy to see you both."

New - "Aunt Nan please don't say thank you. It's our pleasure that you invited us, even we want to meet Kit too" he said looking at Singto while giving him bright smile "Right Singto?"

Singto felt shy and just nodded. Even though he is looking like a fully confident and mature person right now, still he is nervous from the inside but he won't show that to everyone.

Then aunt introduced Off and the small boy.

Aunt - "This is Off, he is our neighbour from Chiang Mai and he is Nong Gun, Kit's new PA."

They wai each other, but Off got excited since the time he saw New.

So he comes to his side and pulled him into a hug

Off - "Finally I meet you in person. You know I thought you won't come."

New startled at first then he remembers that Off is like this to only a few whom he thinks close one. Since the time Tay introduced New to Off he became his friend too. Whenever New is available at their call time Off always talked to him even he sends a gift to him along with Tay. So he just patted his back.

New - "It's nice to meet you too dude. By the way, where is Tay?"

Everyone started laughing at his question.

Singto asked them - "what's wrong? "

And suddenly New gulped harder and he looked at Off with widen eyes

New - "Don't tell me, it happened again?"

To which Off just nodded and even New busted out laughing too. Singto's confused look changed to an unreadable expression when he saw Kit and Tay walking in. New noticed that and move towards them. When Tay saw New his smile widen and he hugged him tightly.

Kit - "You guys know each other? "

Tay moved back - "Of course he is New, remember I told you about him?"

New - "What is that exactly?" Asked with a suspicious look.

Kit just smiled - "Forget it, now can I have a moment with my old friend please"

New smiled and hugged him while doing that New whisper something into Kit's ears.

With that, they both shared a look with mischievous smiled and Kit only nodded his head with his shy smile showing his dimple.

All this time Singto almost froze at his place looking at Kit. The 10 years sweet looking innocent boy turns out to be a very handsome and charming man. He is looking so dam mesmerising in that blue shirt and that smile, Even though Singto wants to but he can't take off his eyes from the beauty in front of him. For some time he forgot that he is in front of their family and friends until New patted his shoulder.

Kit settled down in front of Singto and looked at him

Kit - "Ma who is he? And aunt where is your son...(thinking hard) Singto? "

Tay who is confused looking at New and Singto now get the reason for their presence. He whispered to Kit "Is he is your Singtuan?" To which Kit looked at him with a shy smile.

On other hand, Singto's face dropped at Kit's question. Kit never called him singto, he always used to call him Singtuan or Tuan but now he won't even remember his name properly. He felt Kit has really forgotten everything about him he started feeling bad and then the way he is being close to Tay it's felt like someone is putting oil in the fire.

Tay felt an angry look on him so he looked at Singto and gulped.

Mrs. Parachaya - "This handsome man sitting next to New is my son and yes his name is Singto"

Kit - "I am sorry, it's been year's you see so it just slipped my mind" he said looking at Singto.

Off, Tay, New shared a knowing look. While both the ma looked confused because it was Kit who insisted them to asked Singto to be here and he was pretty excited to meet him but suddenly now he is pretending to not to know him, But still they played along thinking they might be having fun.

On other hand, New is smirking looking at Singto's reaction and he thought "This is your payback for my pic, and also you are going to say thanks to me afterwords for this "

Off on the other hand trying to hit on Nong Gun who is apparently blushing from time to time on Off's cheezy comments. Kit, Tay and New started talking about all old memories while Singto felt left out.

When the party ended Parachaya and Perawat family went back first. Off left with Gun. Only Tay New Kit Singto left.

Singto - "New why everyone laughed at that time when you asked where the Tay is?"

Tay felt embarrassed, New and Kit on the other hand started laughing again at the memory.

Kit tried to control his laugh "It's because he is Tay Tawan" and burst out again. Tay rolled his eyes and sighed heavily.

New - "Classic Tay Tawan" he said laughing but then he stopped looking at Tay's face and explained to Singto.

New - "It's always happening to Tay, first of all, he is bad with the directions and secondly he has this aura which attracts every bad thing"

Kit continued - "Yes you are right, for example, today he lost his way first then when he was back at the right root then he got a flat tire and that wasn't enough when he replaced tire his car engine stopped working"

Tay whined - "Everything was good until New was talking to me"

Singto who was looking at Tay's reaction and hold his laugh for more than a minute joined New and Kit when Tay said that.

They all spend quite some time there while playing and pulling each others leg.

When they were about to leave Kit offered Tay a lift but New asked him to go with Singto and asked Tay to accompany him. He told then that Tay's place is close to him and Kit's new apartment is Singto's even though they are staying nearby each other.

Secretary New wanted Singto to spend time with Kit and also he knew if Tay went with Kit definitely they will catch up with some bad luck so he wanted Tay to be with him. After all, Tay always called him his lucky charm for some reason.

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