20. Close To Heart

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Tay is been busy lately even working in some office is not helping New to meet him properly once in a day.

New wanted to pack Singto in the box lock it and then throw it in the deep sea for giving so much work to them but he stopped himself thinking about Kit.

The only time they are together is at night but because of over workload they are getting back late home which causes to only 4 to 5 hours of sleep. New don't want either Tay or any one of them too ill so he made sure every now and then that they are getting enough food and sleep.

He knew it's a very prestigious project if it works then their company will be counted in the top 10 MNC's. He understood the seriousness of the situation but he also misses the attention Tay used to give him, it's not like he is not giving him now but it's way less than he expected. Well, what can you expect from the guy who mostly forgot to have his meals when he is working hell like that.

The time flew like seconds and here they are on the last day of the project presentation.

They are right now in the conference room of the hotel where most of their investors are invited.

Singto was looking all calm and composed as always but only New knew how much he is nervous, being with him all this year's New noticed one thing about him that even in the most worse situation Singto won't let anyone knew about his true feeling. That's why he became successful in such a short period

Kit came along with Off and Gun to give them moral support.

Singto saw Kit he looked at New and mouthed "Thank you" and embarrassed him into tight hug. On the other hand, Off and Gun are sharing some naughty smiles looking at each other.

New noticed in this all-time Tay is nowhere to found.

New - "Where is Tee?"

They all looked at each other and then suddenly Off exclaimed.

Off - "I know where is he, I'll go and bring him before time"

New - "Wait, tell me where is he?"

Off stopped and said - "Bathroom"

New - "Ok" and marched towards the bathroom.

Singto - "How do you know that?"

Off - "It's his old habit dude, whenever he is nervous or under pressure, he goes there for self-talk. It may sound like a psycho person, but trust me it's always working to reduce his stress"

Singto nodded in understanding what exactly he meant.

New opened the bathroom door and spotted Tay looking at the mirror and murmuring something. He stood beside him but Tay is so engrossed in his self-talk that he didn't even realise the presence of another person.

New heard that Tay is doing self-talk and he found out it amazing and adorable. You can't blame him it's like after ages he is with him alone that close.

Last few months he only waited for this day so that he can go back to his normal life where he can spend most of the time with the love of his life. He was so sad that he felt like they are being apart from the invisible wall which New wanted to break as soon as possible and that's why today he is all smiling ear to ear. But on the other side, he definitely admired the hard work Singto, Tay and all his colleges did. Now it's payback time for all the hard work.

He didn't realise that he keeps starting Tay with a soft smile until his mobile vibrated showing a massage from Off.

Off - "Came back already, he is all yours do your stuff at home."

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