10. Home?

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New opened the door of his apartment and went inside. Tay who is still immersed in his thoughts followed him absentmindedly.

New somehow noticed this sudden change in another person, because in the past few days he came to know one thing for sure about Tay that he can be anything other than quiet. It is not in his system unless he is sleeping or in deep shit, well here he isn't sleeping and not looking like a half-asleep zombie so there must be the second thing. But what it can be?

When New get tired and irritated by Tay's mute mode or you can rather say silent treatment he asked him directly.

New - "What's wrong Tay?"

At first, he didn't even listen to what New said but when New smack on his arm he winced in pain.

Tay - "What?" Asked while rubbing his arm.

New - "That is what I am asking you, what's wrong? "

Tay - "N....n....nothi...ng is w..r...on...g" he stammered a bit.

New - "You want me to believe that?"

To which Tay nodded his head. He is right now seating on the white sofa in the hall. New who was seated across the small elegant glass table on the chair stood and came sat besides Tay.

New is seating very close to Tay because of which the other man forgot to take a breath for a few second. New took his hand and place it in between his hands, while patting him he again asked.

New - "Tay you know right? You can tell me anything. I won't judge you for any reason. You trust me right?" Said while looking straight into Tay's eyes.

Tay is now feeling his gaze unbearable like he is taking his soul out of his body and diverted to other direction while nodding his head.

Tay - "Yes, I trust you" finally he mange to say something more like a whisper, but New is not ok with it. He just wanted to know what happened to Tay? Why is he so quiet?

New - "Then tell me, what happened? Why are you so quiet? "

Tay tries to figure out all the possible answers for that question but couldn't find one, obviously, he didn't want New to know the real reason behind his behaviour. He doesn't want to scare the shit out of New. So he took a deep breath and said the first thing that came to his mind - "I am just nervous"

New chuckles - "Why? Are you afraid that I might eat you up?"

Tay looked at the sight next to him. He is smitten the cold shivers running through his body because of his touch. He is still feeling tongue tide and lost his ability to think anything further.
So he just shook his head to give him his answer as no.

New - "Then what is it?"

Tay came out with the stupidest excuse he can think- "Boss". Well, it's not like he is lying completely. The way Singto stared and treated him today he was feeling some kind of threat to his life. He is still trying to figure out the reason behind his dead gaze.

New look confused than amused and then he just busted in to laugh. Looking at New's reaction Tay sighed heavily and rolled his eyes. He wanted to cross his hand towards his chest to show that he is mad, but New is still holding his hand. He tried to free himself but this time New hold him tightly.

New - "I won't let you go. Even if you want Mister."

Tay felt embarrassed and shy he hide his shyness in the laugh and tried to hit New with his other hand for teasing him.

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