19. BF

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"We need to talk " said New.

That time he came so close to Tay that he felt his heart is trying to jump out of his body by the stare New is giving him.

New is about to say something just when Singto came in with panicked and trying to catch his breathe he said

- "Off.... Off and Kit.... We need to go.... "

After hearing his shattered words Tay New both understood there must be an emergency. New pulled Tay by his hand they all ran towards the car.

New sat at driver seat with Tay besides him and Singto who is still busy on mobile sat in the backseat.

Tay is the first to react in panicked - "What happened to them?"

New who is driving the car while still holding Tay's hand squeezed gently to show Tay that everything is going to be fine.

Singto still busy with his mobile - "I just got call from ACP and he said that Kit and Off got attacked by those goons"

New / Tay - "What?"

Singto looking up and giving them assuring look - "He said everything is under control but I don't know how they are"

Tay looking back - "What do you mean?"

Singto - "He just asked me to be there as soon as possible, I am trying to contact Kit, Off and Gun but none of them are answering my calls or texts "

Tay - "I told them to be careful all this time, I shouldn't have let him go alone"

New looked at Tay and then back to the road - "They must be fine Tee, don't worry they are with police "

Tay wanted to say something but he just don't know how to form words for his worrisome feelings.

When New stopped the car in front of police headquarters they all practically run towards the ACP office.

When they entered office they saw Off sat besides Gun and Kit is giving his statements to them.

Gun noticed them and came and hugged New tightly he is shivering time to time. Off on the other side saw Tay and gave him smile to let him know everything is fine. Singto moved towards officer and Tay started following him halt half way when New didn't let go his hand.

He saw towards him and rather letting go New tighten the grip. Tay patted back of his palm which he is holding. New seems to be hesitated but let go his grip this time and Tay joined Singto.

They cleared all formalities and went to the Kit's place. Gun seems to be much relaxed after coming home. Right now he is sleeping on Off's lap and beside him Tay -New sitting on sofa. Kit and Singto are sitting on chair in front of them.

No one is saying anything they all were really shocked about what happened today. New on other hand, hold Tay's arm and rested his head on his shoulder.

Singto caressing Kit's knee - "How all this happened? "

Kit sighed - "Day before yesterday Tay pointed out that he is finding something fishy, because he saw someone following us till his apartment "

Singto looked at Tay - "You knew?"

Tay playing with New's hand which he use to hold Tay - "Not really I just thought it's odd so I told them to be careful"

Kit nodded and continued - "Yes and since then I too noticed that so yesterday I called officer and told him everything.
Then they made a plan and asked Off to go out alone so that they'll try to harm him. I refused to let him do alone so today when we were on our way to meet Gun's ma suddenly they attacked on us and thankfully the officers and his people were following us like shadow catch them on time before any damage."

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