8. Car Drive (New-Tay)

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Tay and Kit stayed talking for more than 30 min in the parking lot. In the meanwhile, Singto told the driver to go back. When he came back Tay and Kit we're still talking, It feels like they have endless topics to talk about. They are talking about so many random stuff that it feels like they don't even need a topic to talk about.

He tried making some talk with New but he was looking all grumpy suddenly. Singto started feeling dejected, he doesn't want to complain but somehow he felt that everyone is ignoring him. His worst mood becomes more than the worst.

New knew all the topics they were talking about because Tay already told him everything it's just that, today only he came to know that Kitty is none other than his old friend Kit. Tay always talked about Off and Kit, they have shared good memories. Even New wanted to meet them but now he is also feeling ignored by Tay.

New suddenly came too close to Tay and interlocked their fingers like he wants to prove something because of which Tay startled for a second but when he saw it's None other than New he gave him the brightest smile.

New - "Can we go? I am started feeling sleepy na...." he said while putting his head on Tay's shoulder.

Kit who was noticing every movement of New gave naughty smile to Tay "You never told me, Tay, you guys are this much close"

Tay started hiding his blush with a loud laugh
"Stop teasing me, Kitty"
And this is the first time he called Kit as Kitty since the time they met.

Singto looked at Tay with a look that can kill him - "Kitty?"

Kit noticed that Tay panicked at the sudden death glare from Singto and came to Tay's rescue who now started holding New's hand tightly.

Kit - "I love cats that's why Tay and Off sometimes used to call me Kitty"

Singto - "Ohh, I thought..... "

Kit - "You thought?"

Singto - "Never mind, can we leave now? Look at New he seems to be half asleep now." Said a bit irritated.

Kit bid by to New and Tay with one more teasing naughty look. Singto followed him till his car. Here Tay was smiling ear to ear while walking towards the car, suddenly started sulking when they get inside the car.

When New noticed that "shouldn't I be the person who has to sulk?" asked him.

Tay - "No, it should be me "

New start the car engine and started driving - "Explain why?"

Tay - "I have so many reasons, you know?"

New laughed this time - "Ok, one by one then "

Tay - "First you were mean to me today"

New looked surprised by Tay's accusation - "What? Me?"

Tay - "Yes, yes, you... You laughed at me while making fun of my misery. Not only that you didn't even tell me that you were going to attained party today", he said little whining while crossing his hand to his chest.

New look amused at Tay who is looking so adorable while doing so he shook his head smiling - "Ok I am sorry for making fun of you, and about party even I wasn't aware of it. Singto told me this afternoon and when I was about to message you we had some argument and I forgot."

Tay cooled down a bit after hearing New's explanation but again he started sulking.
"Okay, Second reason you told me you were feeling sleepy then I should be the person who drives the car, why that is you?"

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