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"Come on Bo, we're going to be late." I groan and watch as my best friend rushes around our apartment. Her long black hair sways around as she frantically tries to find her folders which are right in front of her.

"I can't find my folders!" She exclaims and I giggle, deciding to help her and point to the bright pink folders on the kitchen table. "I love you!" She beams and I playfully roll my eyes.

Bo and I have been friends ever since we were little girls. Her parents and mine are also friends, that's how we met.

"My mum wants you round for dinner later?" She tells me as we make our way out of our home and towards my car. My mouth waters at her mother's cooking, Bo and her family are Chinese and her mother's food is to die for. Just the thought of it now makes me want this day to be over already.

"Can't wait." I smile as we climb into the car.

"I heard we've got a new Professor." I furrow my eyebrows at the new information.

"Professor Potts has left?" I question her as we begin our drive to uni.

"Yep. Personal reasons apparently, but they managed to get someone new very quickly." She tells me and I nod my head. "It's a bit annoying, considering we are in our finally year too."

She's right. We're going to have to get to know our new Professor and being in our final year, it's not something we have the time for.

"Have you seen what they look like?" I continue to question my best friend further and she shakes her head.

"I'm hoping it's a hot new woman." She licks her lips and I laugh.

Bo has a thing for older women, including my own married mother, which we prefer not to discuss.

We soon arrive on campus and I tell Bo that I am going to get a coffee and that I'll meet her in class. I make my way to the coffee shop and smile at Poppy who works here.

"Usual?" She questions and I nod my head with a small smile. She goes to make my coffee and I take the moment to look at myself in the mirror, smiling.

It's spring and the weather is finally getting warmer, I run my fingers over my yellow tea-dress which hugs my curves and admire how my curly hair frames my face.

"Mara." Poppy calls out and I pay for my drink and thank her before turning around, nearly bumping into a broad chest.

"Sorry." I whisper and look up at who I've bumped into. A small gasp escapes my lips as I see a deep scar that runs across the man's cheek, I watch his Adam's apple bop up and down as he gulps, his cheeks beginning to turn red. He stares down at me with curious, blues eyes and this time I gulp.

This man is beautiful.

And super tall, I have to crane my neck to look up at him.

His beard compliments his sharp features perfectly and his hair which is slightly shorter on the sides and longer on the top slightly droops over his forehead.

I furrow my eyebrows and realise that this guy looks slightly older than the students here. I blink and step back a little.

"Sorry, again." I say and he nods and smiles gently. "What's your name?" I tilt my head, curious to know who he is.

"M-My name?" He stutters, looking away and I nod my head.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I tell him, not wanting to make him uncomfortable.

"Professor Matthew James." My eyes widen.

He's a professor!

A hot one.

"I've never seen you on campus before, are you new?" I tilt my head and he nods his.

"First day." He rasps and I only just realise how deep his voice is.

"I'm Amara." I grin and I watch as his eyes trail up and down my body before the blush rises back on to his cheeks. "I should go-I've got class in ten minutes. Lovely to meet you." I rush out and walk out of the coffee shop, not forgetting to turn and wave to him.

He's already looking at me with wide eyes but doesn't hesitate to wave back at me, his face looking shocked.

I make my way onto the other side of the campus and walk into my lecture hall. Bo waves at me from the front row and I playfully roll my eyes.

I walk over to her and place my bag down and grab my laptop.

"Bo, we never sit at the front." I laugh and she grins, shrugging her shoulders.

"I want to see how hot our new Professor is." She rubs her hands together and I laugh, shaking my head at her.

Ten minutes later everyone is all seated waiting for our new Professor to walk through the doors and when he does my eyes widen in shock.

Professor James?!

He walks in with his brief case and I observe how his black suit fits his muscular physique just right. As soon as his eyes make contact with my own they widen and the blush returns to his face and he quickly looks away.

"Well he's not a woman." Bo whispers in disappointment and I laugh lightly but keep my eyes on Professor James.

"Good morning, I know some of you are aware that your previous Professor has had to leave due to personal reasons, therefore I will be taking her place. My name is Professor James." He introduces himself and I look around the room to already see some girls staring at him with heart-shaped eyes.

I squint my eyes and turn back to face the front.

"I am here to teach and support you, so feel free to ask for help if you need it. My office hours are from twelve to three if you need to see me." He informs and everyone nods or mumbles a small acknowledgement.

The lecture goes by quickly and everyone is already packing up there things. I take my time packing my stuff up and tell Bo that I have to ask Professor James a question about the work he's set for us.

I slowly make my way over to his desk and he looks up at me from his seated position.

"I-Is everything okay Amara?" He stutters and I furrow my eyebrows, he never stutters when he talks to the class but both times I have spoken to him he has.

"I just wanted to let you know I enjoyed today's class." I smile and he blushes, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

He blushes a lot. It's cute.

"Really? You think people enjoyed it?" He questioned with hopeful eyes and I giggled nodding my head. "Did you need anything?" He asks and I don't miss how his eyes quickly drop to my chest before he blinks and looks back up at me.

"Can I come to your office during your hours?" I question, tilting my head and I watch as his eyes widen. "I need help with the work you set, is two o'clock okay?"

"I-yes of course." He blurts out and I smile.

"See you then, sir." I smirk and watch as he begins to cough but nods his head. I jump back a little and make my way out of the lecture hall.

This is going to be a good year.

First Chapter, what did you guys think?💜

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