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I roll my eyes as the Dean stares at me from behind his desk.

His head turns a little to the side and I don't miss the bruise that looks fresh.


"What happened to your face?" I try to hide my smirk.

"None of your concern." He grits and I shrug my shoulders. "Now do you know why you've been called here today, Miss Wesley?" The Dean questions me and I shake my head.

"No I don't." I shrug and he gives me a tight-lipped smile before nodding his head.

He then pulls open a draw and pulls out a sheet of paper.

"Someone has written a statement making a very huge accusation that involves you and Professor James." Stay calm Amara.

"May I ask what this is about?" I tilt my head, feeling my heart begin to race.

"Someone has said that you are having sexual relations with Professor James." I laugh. "This is no laughing matter, Miss Wesley."

"I'm sorry, I'm just laughing because that is ridiculous. I shouldn't be having to discuss my personal life with the likes of you but I do not like men." I lie, yet again. At this point I may as well be. "If you are going to question my sexuality then I will have to involve higher authority. Professor James has never made any sexual moves towards me."

The Deans face pales and he slowly nods his head.

"You are sure nothing between you has happened?" This fucking man.

"Are you still questioning my sexuality?" I raise my eyebrows and lean back against the chair.

"No, no, no. This is just a very serious accusation." He points out and again I roll my eyes.

"Which is not true. Where is your proof?" I cross my arms over my chest and raise my eyebrows.

"Well we don't have any evidence yet, Miss Wesley. This statement was only written yesterday."

"By who?" I know exactly who but I want to hear him say it.

"The witness does not wish to be known." I scoff.

"Zion. Your nephew." His face morphs into a look of shock.

"H-How?" He stutters and I smile.

"Did you know that your nephew sexual assaults people?" I tilt my head and his face pales even more. I furrow my eyebrows.

He does know.

"Miss Wesley that is a serious accusation." The stupid man chuckles nervously.

"So is accusing me of sleeping with a professor. Your nephew is a horrible boy and I guarantee there are many girls that walk this campus that are too afraid to speak up about him sexually assaulting them." I watch as the Dean reaches forward with shaky hands to pick up his glass of water.

He takes a quick sip and then places the cup back down.

"Both your reputations will be ruined. Someone me could be in your seat by tomorrow morning." I sit back and watch as he begins to fidget around nervously.

"Are you threatening your Dean, Amara?" I scoff.

"You are not my Dean. What has happened with Professor James? He does not deserve to lose his job over a false accusation." I raise my eyebrows.

"Professor James is banned from campus grounds until further notice. As for you Miss Wesley, I will be in contact. This is not over." I grit my teeth and stand up from the chair, my back straight.

"Don't think you can keep protecting your nephew. It all comes out eventually. Have a great day." I give him a sarcastic smile and make my way to the door. Before I leave, I turn to face him one last time. "Good luck looking for any evidence."


"I'm so sorry, baby." Matthew whispers, reaching down to caress my cheeks.

We stand in the middle of his living room in each other's arms. I smile gently and rest my head against his chest.

"We'll be okay, I promise and I never break my promises." I pull back and smile up at him but he doesn't smile back; he only looks more worried. "Matthew." I laugh nervously.

"Mara." He whispers and I feel an unsettling feeling settle in my stomach. "I love you so much."

"And I love you." I place a soft kiss on his cheek and watch it go a light shade of red. "Matthew, you're worrying me."

"I don't want to ruin your future, Amara. This isn't going to end well, baby." I release a shaky breath at his words and step out of his arms.

"Matthew, we're not going through this again. They have no evidence of us and I've threatened to expose Zion. You're not going to lose your job, I'll make sure." I grab hold of his hand and look up at him with pleading eyes. "Please, Matthew." My voice cracks and my eyes begin to water.

"Baby, we're already in so much trouble. Even if they have no evidence it doesn't mean that someone might not still find out." He looks down at me with watery eyes also.

A small sob escapes my lips.

"What are you saying, that we should break up?" I sniffle and he stays silent. "Oh my God. You are aren't you?"

"I don't want to baby. Trust me, I really don't want to but maybe we should wait until you've finished your final year. Then we can be together freely." I shake my head at his words.

"But I've still got seven months left. I don't want to be without you for that long. Why can't I still come here to see you?! I won't go to your office anymore, I'll stay away from you on campus grounds but don't take away the moments we spend here." At this point I'm begging him but he just continues to stare at me as the tears continue to fall down his cheeks.

"Baby, we can't. It's too risky. Zion has already proved that he's been stalking you. What's to stop him from following you here one day?" I look down at the floor knowing he's right. "We can survive seven months, my love. Then after all this we can live our lives the way we want." His voice cracks and he reaches forward to wipe the tears from my face.

"So I guess this is goodbye then." I laugh and cry at the same time.

"It only a temporary goodbye. I know it's not going to be easy but in the end we will be okay. I love you, Mara."

"And I love you, Matthew."

Thank you so much for 400k reads. I love you all💜

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